From Russia with CAD

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26 Apr 2017

LEDAS Protects Customers with New Software Insurance

Professional liability insurance from AIG ensures smooth B2B development

Novosibirsk, Russia: April 26, 2017 – LEDAS, a provider of software research and development services of CAD and engineering software, today announced that has signed a professional liability insurance agreement with AIG, a world leader in insurance. LEDAS undertook the action to attain the highest level of protection on behalf of its customers against potential risks from B2B software R&D services.

Because of its fast expansion of business in the USA, Europe, and Asia, LEDAS is gaining ever more development contracts, and so the international software developer decided to add a formal layer of protection for its customers: insurance against software bugs. To do this, LEDAS partnered with worldwide leader AIG.

“This type of insurance is especially important for large companies that have established risk management processes,” said Alexey Ershov, Chief Executive Officer of LEDAS. “These are the kinds of firms who more and more in recent years have become our customers.”

LEDAS is unique among the field of international software developers in that it specializes in working on the most challenging R&D projects using knowledge gained through the company’s long-term expertise, a set of well-recognized software components, and a solid organizational and management system. Now it adds to the list of its benefits a professional liability insurance package to guarantee software results.

“We aim to maximize the satisfaction of our customers by delivering challenging projects on-time, with a great quality assurance system based on our advanced automated test infrastructure,” said Ivan Rykov, Chief Technology Officer of LEDAS. “Now that we are providing insurance, the level of assurance in working with us is higher than for firms that develop their software in-house, whose employees cannot guarantee bug-free code to their employers.”

LEDAS operates in the global CAD market. For nearly 20 years now, it has taken on ambitious R&D software projects that require a staff with especially high qualifications in mathematics and computer science. The company is best known for the constraint-based tools and component technologies it developed for the CAD, CAM, CAE, and PDM markets.

LEDAS’ success stories include significant projects for Dassault Systemes, Cimatron, Bricsys, and ASCON. These and many other companies have put innovative products on the market using R&D services from LEDAS.

More information about LEDAS is available at

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