20 Aug 2020 Geometric Solvers, Coronavirus, and C++David Levin Better late than never. Just before celebrating the company’s 20th anniversary in March last year, LEDAS finally launched its blog.
But we had a problem. As an experienced service provider in software engineering, LEDAS is perfectly aware that our customers tend to be disinclined to permit us to publicize the work we do for them. Every project we work on involves a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). So, what to post on the blog?
We had to write about other things, and managed to have twelve posts so far under the topics of Geometric Solvers, Coronavirus, and C++.
1. LEDAS has good reason to position itself as a cool company based on our skills and solutions, and a set of happy customers worldwide. To promote our skills without violating NDAs, we published these posts:
2. It just so happened that months after launching the blog, we were substantially impacted by a global problem, and so that became the topic for some more posts:
Another post on this topic gave us an opportunity to market our LEDAS Cloud Platform as a solution to working from home during coronavirus, and this post can be associated with topics 1 and 2:
3. Fortunately, expertise in the tools we use to develop software are not subject to customer NDAs. In particular, we are free to publicly demonstrate the skill of our LEDAS development team in the C++ programming language, as well as talk about creative approaches we found in using a tool that is key to professional software engineering:
It comes as no surprise to me that group 3 (C++) is the champion of interest with the reading public: it landed 43% of overall blog visits, of which half were to How to Hack C++ with Templates and Friends.
Group 1 (LEDAS as a company) came in second at 36%, with the “5 Geometric Solvers…” and “LEDAS Customer Map” posts being the ones of greatest interest to readers.
The remaining 21% were for group 2 (COVID-19). The LEDAS team works very efficiently remotely. Like everyone else, we hope that in the near future there will be fewer occasions and reasons to touch on topics related to the pandemic.
See also:
- Reasons for Dassault Systèmes' Successes as It Looks Towards Its 40th Anniversary
- Digital Twin, Okkam’s Razor, and A. Einstein
- How to Outsource Your Software Development Project Successfully. Part II
- How to Outsource Your Software Development Project Successfully. Part I
- Why Dassault Systèmes is Broadening Its Focus from Things to Life
- ANSYS software sales in Russia show annual double-digit growth
- Some Impressions of the Engineering Software in Russia: Autodesk University Ru 2014, COFES Ru, Top Systems, and NEOLANT
- Here's To the Quindecennial of LEDAS!
- The Russian and Global Engineering Software Markets through the Eyes of the isicad Readers
- Going Beyond Its Traditional CAD Expertise, LEDAS Expands to ERP+
- LEDAS IFC Software Development experience: Architecture, Engineering, and Construction Projects
- Why LEDAS Labs and its Geometry Comparison
- COFES Russia 2013: Got What Was this Stuff?
- Geometric Kernels and Irremovability of Presidents from Office
- Eight participants from Russian ASCON, Fidesys, LEDAS, and TopSystems will attend COFES 2013 in Arizona
- COFES Russia 2013: Two Russian Geometric Modelers, Discussions on Trends in PLM and BIM, and More
- October helps to better understand the market of Engineering Software in Russia
- ASCON’s Mobilezation: My impressions from the “White Nights” Forum
- NURBS, BIM, or Revolution: which topics are most attractive for the readership?
- CAD/PLM at the Russian Market (isicad overview, May-October 2011)
- COFES 2011: Day 1. @dmitryushakov: "Very tired. And very satisfied. The best I could expect from the first day of my first COFES"
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