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25 Apr 2023

New Open STEP Viewer by ODA: rich functionality and high-quality visualization for free

Scottsdale, AZ: April 24th, 2023—Today Open Design Alliance (ODA) released a new Open STEP Viewer that includes the following features:

  • Work with AP203/AP214/AP242ed3/Domain model formats
  • Professional-grade visualization
  • Construct sections of a geometric model
  • Measure distances between model parts
  • Find intersections between model parts
  • Export to PDF
  • Plugins for navigation through the SDAI model, with a tree structure and statistics of model objects
Open STEP Viewer

Open STEP Viewer visualizing a STEP model

Open STEP Viewer is the result of years of experience developing Open IFC Viewer and the ODA Platform. It incorporates the following ODA products:

  • ODA STEP SDK provides low-level work with STEP models of various application protocols using the Standard Data Access Interface (SDAI) and geometry generation;
  • ODA Visualize provides high-quality visualization of complex 3D geometry.

“The release of Open STEP Viewer is significant for a couple of reasons,” said Neil Peterson, ODA President. “A free, cross-platform STEP viewer, backed by a commitment from non-profit ODA, provides long-term security for end users. And for ODA it’s an important showcase of our emerging technology in the mechanical space.”

Availability and Pricing

Open STEP Viewer is available at no cost for personal and professional use at

About Open Design Alliance

ODA develops complete interoperability solutions for CAD & BIM on web, mobile and desktop. ODA is supported by more than 1,200 member companies worldwide, including software developers, manufacturers, government entities, AEC firms, major retailers and other organizations spread across every engineering discipline. Learn more at

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Twitter: @realOpenDesign

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