From Russia with CAD
Press-releases      28 May 2008

LEDAS releases new version of its variational geometric solver LGS 3D

Novosibirsk, Russia

LEDAS Ltd., an independent software provider of computational components and software development services for PLM and ERP, releases next version of its 3D geometric solver software.

The new 1.4 release is much more rapid than previous versions of LGS 3D. Due to efficient optimization of the core computational techniques, many API functions are executed faster, measured on a large industrial test base of more than three thousand cases.

  • The main advantage of the new 1.4 release is performance of the Move Under Constraint functionality, which is accelerated up to 7 times due to the new heuristics implementation.
  • New LGS 3D API functions that enable storing and restoring LGS 3D context to/from a file or a binary data array are provided. API functions for tolerance management are introduced also.
  • The Lege’n’d 3D demo application is moved to OpenCASCADE 6.2 version and can now export models to IGES/STEP formats.
  • The new set of Samples of parameterized kinematic assemblies is added to the demo installation set to simplify LGS 3D evaluation.
  • All these advantages coupled with affordable pricing make LGS 3D the best deal for CAD/CAM/CAE parameterization.

About LGS 3D

LGS 3D is a cross-platform computational engine aimed at implementation of variational design functionality for 3D modeling, assembly, and kinematics simulation end-user software. It consists of a set of libraries that runs under all Windows, Linux, *BSD, AIX and other OS. Being written in C++, LGS has a C-based API that allows integrating it into a broad range of software applications (even written not in C/C++).

A sample test application for LGS 3D called Lege’n’d 3D is also available within the Evaluation version of LGS 3D. It is created with the Open CASCADE open-source framework. The Lege’n’d 3D application can be used to test the entire functionality of the LGS 3D without integrating the solver into other software packages. A set of representative examples for Lege’n’d 3D is also supplied. All advantages of the new LGS 3D version are accompanied by improvement of usability of Lege’n’d, by providing more useful information in case of incorrect usage of LGS 3D API functions, and a number of minor enhancements.

LGS 3D supports creation and modification of the geometric models by means of (explicit or implicit) constraints. Typical geometric objects are points, lines, circles, planes, cylinders, spheres, arbitrary curves, surfaces and swept surfaces. Objects can be fixed in an absolute coordinate system or with respect to each other (last feature is provided by so-called rigid sets of objects). Set of geometric constraints includes logical constraints between geometric entities (like coincidence, parallelism, tangency, etc.), dimensional constraints (that specify the required values for given distances, angles or radii). LGS 3D moves and rotates objects to positions where all constraints are satisfied trying to perform minimal possible transformations of initial configuration. Other functions support both traditional assembly design functionality like diagnostics of over- and under-defined parts of a model, and quite advanced features like engineering equations and help points support.

LGS 3D is based on the LEDAS’ state-of-the-art computational engine and provides affordable solution for those who need a strong variational and constraint-based functionality in CAD, modeling, or engineering software. Through the scalable architecture of LGS, variational and parametric techniques have become available in a wide range of the products including desktop CAD, and general 3D modeling tools. High-end CAD and CAM systems will also benefit from integration with LGS since it provides a solid foundation for variational modeling, knowledge-based engineering, constraint-based geometry, and mechanical optimizations.

LGS is a trademark of LEDAS Ltd.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. BSD is a registered trademark of Berkeley Software Design, Inc. AIX is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. Open CASCADE is a registered trademark of Open CASCADE S.A.


LEDAS Ltd. is an independent software company founded in 1999; it is based in Novosibirsk Scientific Centre (Akademgorodok), Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science. A leader in constraint-based technologies, LEDAS is a well-known provider of computational software components for PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) and ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems: geometric constraint solvers for CAD/CAM/CAE, optimization engines for Project Management, Work Scheduling and Meeting Planning as well as interval technologies for Knowledge-Based Engineering and Collaborative Design.

The company also provides services for PLM and ERP markets: software development, consulting, reselling as well as education and training. More information about LEDAS is available on the Internet at:


LEDAS Sales and Marketing Department
Phone: +7 383 3356 504
fax: +7 383 3356 256

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