From Russia with CAD
Press-releases      15 Oct 2007

LEDAS on-line solutions simplify parametric CAD trainings.

LEDAS Ltd. (, an independent software provider of computational components for PLM and ERP, in collaboration with Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU) introduces Flash LGS — as a school bench, helping students to learn parameterization paradigm for CAD needs. In currently available CAD systems variational design is already widely used. However, traditionally parametric graphics design is area of heavy CAD applications. This makes parameterization learning quite difficult task, especially for CAD beginners. LEDAS supposes rather affordable and lighter approach — to use simple, yet functional enough drawing application, showing most of crucial aspects of parametric graphics design — the web-based Flash-LGS. The on-line demonstrator has simple intuitive user interface and provides an interactive access to functionality of LGS 2D solver, which is widely used in the development of two-dimensional drafting and sketching applications, vector graphics systems and geometric data exchange tools.

Flash-LGS purpose is to show flexibility and affordability of LGS parametric computational engine in wide sense: from simplicity of solver incorporation into your applications and efficiency running them on wide range of hardware to effectiveness of parametric design approach in every day engineering work.

The first experience of Flash-LGS use in CAD training courses for student was performed in collaboration with Gas-dynamics department of NSTU. Even the very first lessons and practical works showed, that students learn basic ideas of parametric approach very quickly, even by do not having much experience in CAD drafting.

Alexey Vinogradov, NSTU professor assistant says: «After short introductions students have been through Flash-LGS tutorial within trainer little help, this took just around 40 minutes. Then they have accomplished on their own few simple projects. These tasks were preliminarily selected by trainer to show various geometric constraints and the under- and overdefined geometry. It is quite amazing how quickly they have understood parameterization ideas. Usually, with trainings based on professional CAD usage, it takes up to few weeks. Also, with this experience students become familiar with professional CAD systems much easier.»

About Flash-LGS

The system is organized as a client-server solution, so all computations are performed on LEDAS server side, while the on-line demonstrator interface is based on Adobe Flash engine. To run Flash LGS only you need is web-browser that supports Flash player. Therefore it can be run on any platform, which provides suitable Internet-browser: desktop or notebook PC, running any OS, pocket computer. User client performs as simple 2D editor. It allows to draw and amend basic geometry shapes, apply to them wide range of constrains and, so far create parametric sketches, amend them and promptly recalculate geometry according to settled parameters. The list of allowed constrains provides over dozen possible conditions, including nodes coincidence, circles coaxiality, parallel and perpendicular lines, angles fixation and many more. Once created sketch can be stored on server and loaded back at any time.

Flash LGS by its nature shows that application developer or young engineer does not need to be an graphics or math expert to be able understand parametric graphics software. Flash LGS itself is practical proof of LGS technological affordability. If you become interested in this technology — there?s next step to deeper evaluation of Flash LGS solution, available on You will see, that parametric graphics design never been so easy to get in! Our team is ready to help you — just contact us regarding any your questions.

About Flash-LGS

About NSTU

Novosibirsk State Technical University is one of the largest research and educational centers of Russia, it was organized in August 1950, at many years it was known as Novosibirsk Institute of Electrical Engineering. In December 1992, Novosibirsk Institute of Electrical Engineering was renamed to Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU). Now the University has ten faculties and two institutes, 73 departments, two branches and nine NSTU representative offices. The total number of students is over 16 thousands. Detailed information about NSTU can be found at

LGS is trademark of LEDAS Ltd. Flash is registered trademark of Adobe Inc.


LEDAS Ltd. is an independent software company founded in 1999; it is based in Novosibirsk Scientific Centre (Akademgorodok), Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science. A leader in constraint-based technologies, LEDAS is a well-known provider of computational software components for PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) and ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems: geometric constraint solvers for CAD/CAM/CAE, optimization engines for Project Management, Work Scheduling and Meeting Planning as well as interval technologies for Knowledge-Based Engineering and Collaborative Design.

The company also provides services for PLM and ERP markets: software development, consulting, reselling as well as education and training. More information about LEDAS is available on the Internet at:


LEDAS Sales and Marketing Department
Phone: +7 383 3356 504
fax: +7 383 3356 256

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