From Russia with CAD
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21 Dec 2009

Brief isicad-Overview of the Russian CAD/PLM Market: Nov-Dec, 2009

David Levin Nov-Dec Nov-Dec 2009

Dear friends and colleagues,

I am sending you seasons greetings and wishes of all the best to your families and teams from LEDAS, isicad, and from Siberia in general.
If you click this link, you can also see a greeting card whose animation was made by means of the LEDAS RhinoAssembly plugin.

I. COFES Russia Seminar

I am happy to announce that on 14 September 2010 in Moscow there will be held a COFES Russia Seminar with active participation of Brad Holtz, President of Cyon Research and COFES.
See a press release Cyon Research announces COFES Russia Seminar in partnership with LEDAS.
The COFES Seminar will be held in conjunction with the 4th multivendor isicad Forum owned by LEDAS. See and

II. The 2009 Top-10 of

The list can give you some impression of a range of our publications as well as of priorities of Russian readers (the ranking relates to the Russian papers while the links below lead to the English translations or to English originals, if any):
  1. ASCON as seen by Ralph Grabowski
  2. “The Future of MCAD” Round Table in Moscow
  3. “The Future of MCAD is bright”, September 2009 CAD/PLM news digest
  4. AutoCAD 2010 for 50,000 Rubles ($1500)? The New Autodesk Programme in Russia
  5. Using LEDAS Computational Software Toolkits to Shorten Development Cycle of Variational CAD Systems
  6. Editing 3D Geometry
  7. SolidWorks World 2009 is Over
  8. nanoCAD: Non-Nano Questions
  9. The Prodigal Son of Autodesk
  10. AutoCAD 2010 goes parametric. At last ...

III. selection of the news from the Russian CAD/PLM market – related mainly to Nov-Dec

See also:

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