13 Mar 2013 Eight participants from Russian ASCON, Fidesys, LEDAS, and TopSystems will attend COFES 2013 in ArizonaDavid Levin
number of COFES participants from Russia and CIS is constantly increasing.
Vladimir Malukh from LEDAS-isicad was the first Russian expert who in 2009
visited COFES when the event was hardly known in Russia and the CIS; see Vladimir's
isicad paper "COFES – Wish you were here".
of COFES drastically increased in Russia and the CIS when in fall 2010
Cyon Research together with LEDAS organized a COFES-isicad event in Moscow with a keynote and general active
participation of Brad Holtz.
In 2011,
a list of COFES participants included five persons from Russian
companies: three - from ASCON, one - from a multi-vendor reseller
Consistent Software, and Dmitry Ushakov, who at that time was LEDAS CEO; see
Dmitry's isicad paper "Get back! (Personal Impressions from COFES-2011)".
participation of ASCON in 2011 was not casual. The company is the largest
Russian CAD and PLM vendor with a well-developed MCAD KOMPAS 3D and intensively
extending PLM set; it successfully competes with Autodesk in the Russian
& CIS market. In 2010-2011 ASCON began to internationalize its marketing
and partnership activity as well as to invest into development of SaaS,
mobility, and other hot trends. It is at COFES 2011 where the managers of ASCON established close partnerships for example with Lightwork: see my
interview with Clive Davies: “ASCON is proving to be the ideal partner for Lightwork Design“. This
direction of ASCON’s development continued quite successfully which is
illustrated, for example, in some isicad-papers such as «ASCON Releases DEXMA as a Competitor to PLM 360» , «ASCON’s Mobilezation: My impressions from the “White Nights” Forum», and other.
In 2012,
ASCON again sent its three managers to COFES, and now – in 2013, CEO Maxim Bogdanov will attend Arizona for the third time, now accompanied by Sergey Evsikov, Vice-President, Sales (left) and Alexander Golikov, ASCON Founder (right)
ASCON feels like a mature international actor. The company is providing technical assistance to COFES Russia 2013 to be held in St.
Petersburg six weeks after the event in Arizona. Today, ASCON is emphasizing
its openly distributed original geometric kernel C3D – the foundation of
KOMPAS 3D, its above mentioned cloud PLM DEXMA, and its traditional-style large
PLM+ERP environment.
In 2012,
COFES invited six persons from Russia and the CIS. Along with the people from
ASCON, there were Dmitry Kondakov from IRISOFT (a large Russian VAR of PTC and
some other vendors), Alexander Bausk from Ukrainian Nuclear Structures Research
Lab, and Alexey Ershov, LEDAS CEO – see his isicad paper ”Arizona Dream: A detailed informal report on COFES-2012”.
about COFES 2013 which starts approximately in 4 weeks. You can meet there a
record number of persons from Russia (seven). Two guys from ASCON were already
mentioned above.
Another participant is Vladimir A. Levin, ScD, professor, Moscow State University,
department of Mechanics and Mathematics, Computational Mechanics.
main field of interest is developing mathematical models of strength analysis
of bodies under finite strains. Total number of publications: over 235,
including 4 monographs. Vladimir is the founder and the head of Fidesys – a start-up
which positions itself as a provider of a new generation CAE system for
strengthen analysis and associated problems.
will be three persons from Top Systems: CEO Sergey Kuraksin, CTO Sergey Kozlov,
and Sergey Bikulov, executive director (from left to right):
Top Systems's set of traditional CAD+PLM+ERP solutions is quite well developed and recognized in the Russia / CIS market. The key product of Top Systems, its
MCAD called T-FLEX, is characterized as one of the most developed parametric
system in the world market: see a detailed paper by S.Kuraksin and S.Kozlov
“The Power of T-FLEX CAD Parametric Modeling”: Part I and Part II. Interestingly a paper which compared T-FLEX and SolidWorks (the comparison made by a Top
Systems’ partner in Poland) has become and until now is the most visited
isicad publication since launching the portal.
It is
important to mention that Top Systems is actively involved (both in management
and development ) into the building of a new geometric 3D modeler RGK within a big project funded
by the Russian Government and being implemented by a distributed team from
several development centers of Russia. I believe that today, by visiting COFES,
Top Systems is making an active step towards international market.
time, LEDAS will be represented by the company’s COO Nikolay Snytnikov – PhD,
who despite his young age (30) has already passed through a hard many-year
school of participation in a cool outsourcing project for Dassault Systems (as a developer and manager), and
currently he is a manager of the LEDAS part of RGK - the Russian Geometric
Kernel. Within RGK, LEDAS is responsible for the development of Boolean
operations, fast NURBS library,
some parallelization tasks, and other hard problems (see “LEDAS Experts: How our Company is Involved in Developing Russian Geometric Kernel” by A.Ershov and N.Snytnikov). Nikolay's background is in parallel
computing so his visit to NVIDIA GPU Technology Conference 2012 resulted not
only in a series of best-read isicad reportages but seems to bring useful
knowledge to the RGK project. Since LEDAS does not compete with any CAD vendor,
the company is a partner of both Top Systems and ASCON; the latter has used
LEDAS service to integrate direct modeling facilities into KOMPAS 3D and is now relying on LEDAS
support in distribution and commercialization of the C3D kernel.
As an internationally recognized provider of components (such as geometric solvers, direct modeling modules, and other) and
highly-qualified software development services,
LEDAS is well-known to the global market. After selling its IP to Bricsys in 2011, LEDAS has been focusing on
services, and recently the company shareholders have established an US business entity to better serve its clients worldwide. On the other hand,
competence, skills, experience, and creativity enabled LEDAS experts to
formulate a number of new project/technology ideas related to some hot topics
of engineering software such as interoperability, etc. Nikolay Snytnikov
is going to Arizona to strengthen some existing contacts, to seek for the new
service contracts, and to look for the partners interested in joint business
projects. As a member of the editorial board and a fruitful writer for
isicad.ru, Nilolay will also send us his reports from the Arizona event.
Note that you can learn more about the Russian ideas, projects, developments, products, and solutions at COFES Russia 2013: the event will be held in Petergof/St.Petersburg on May 30 - June 1.
See also:
Permanent link :: http://isicad.net/articles.php?article_num=15972