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21 Jul 2009

The Future of MCAD: Round Table in Moscow

Talking About the Future of MCAD: Which Trends Hold a place for Our Future? The Nature and Problems of the Russian Market

Participants:  top-managers and key experts of the companies leaders of the Russian CAD/PLM market


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"Talking About the Future of MCAD" is a Round Table being organized by the isicad as part of Ralph Grabowski's visit to Russia. Mr Grabowski is a well-known Canadian expert on CAD, journalist and editor of a popular CAD-publication upfront.eZine. He will be traveling through Russia and visiting CAD software firms in St Petersburg, Moscow, and Novosibirsk. Mr Grabowski's aim is to gain insight into the Russian CAD market, describe its current state, and understand its future prospects. His findings will be published as a series of analytical essays for the 10,000 readers of upfront.eZine and WorldCAD Access.
Mr Grabowski feels that although the West has the highest opinion of Russian programming skills, it lacks an understanding of the capabilities and achievements of specific Russian CAD software vendors. This lack of awareness presents them with significant obstacles in being accepted by customers in the markets of Western European and North American. Through his reporting, Ralph Grabowski trusts he will be able to help change the situation for the better.
Mr Grabowski believes that a serious presentation of the state of the Russian CAD market - its leaders, abilities, problems, trends, and other aspects - to Western readers will help focus attention on this market, and therefore improve understanding of a part of the world that is not well appreciated for its advances.
CAD companies operating in the Russian market will certainly benefit from Mr Grabowski’s qualifications and professional experience, having written about CAD technology and marketing for 24 years.
Through his direct contract with executives of many industry leaders, Ralph Grabowski does not represent the interests of any particular CAD firm. His views are very valuable in the West due to his reputation as a highly professional, non-partisan analyst.
Mr Grabowski is the author of more than 100 books and several hundreds articles on CAD issues. Along with weekly upFront.eZine newsletter, his daily professional blog WorldCAD Access is one of the most authoritative “real-time” publications about CAD.

The schedule of Ralph Grabowski’s visit to Russia includes meetings with a number of software companies, as well as hosting the seminar “The Future of MCAD”, organized as a round table with an opening presentation by Mr Grabowski.
Mr Grabowski’s visit to Russia was initiated and is being organized by the isicad portal.

Related links:
The Essential Reader: The PLM Encyclopedia, WORLDCAD ACCESS, July 19, 2009
Sneak Peak: A Seminar in Russia(n), WORLDCAD ACCESS, July 21, 2009
The isicad-2009 Round Table in Moscow (in Russian)
The Future of MCAD: Round Table in Moscow, WORLDCAD ACCESS, July 21, 2009
The upFront.eZine Tour of Russia,upFront.eZine, N613, July 28, 2009

The Round Table “Talking About the Future of MCAD” will take place on September 8, 2009 in Moscow at 2.30 p.m. at the "Moskva" conference hall of Sheraton Palace Hotel (19, 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya St., Moscow, Russia).

The half-day Round Table will begin with Ralph Grabowski presenting a “Review of Today’s Market: Competitors, Classification, Sales Models, and Niches,” followed by discussion, and will conclude with a press conference-style question and answer session.

Participation at the seminar and the Round Table is by invitation only. Invitations are limited by the nature of the event and the size of the conference hall. Requests for invitation are accepted on-line.

Areas of Discussion

The range of discussion can encompass the following topics of interest. Bring your own topics; the roundtable is open for discussion.

MCAD Market Overview

  • What is the prognosis forf competition between the top-tier MCAD packages: Pro/ENGINEER, SolidWorks, Solid Edge, and Inventor?
  • Is the price of CAD heading up - or down?
  • How can CAD systems be distributed free - and yet make money?
  • What are prospects for software leasing or renting?
  • Will it ever be possible to eradicate illegal copies of MCAD; and if so, how?
  • Is development of MCAD clones a natural development for the future?
  • What is the future of CAM solutions? Can we expect consolidation in the CAM market?
  • Can CNC machines with modern control consoles replace CAM?
  • What might be the (desired?) future of integration of CAD and CAE?
  • What are the prospects of on-line part catalogues? For example, Traceparts and Cadence vs vendor-owned catalogs
  • Why are there no standardization committees in CAM and PLM as there are in telecommunications and the Internet?

Trends in MCAD Software and Hardware

  • Is direct modeling the new savior of the MCAD industry?
  • Who is taking the right course in direct modeling - Inventor Fusion, SolidEdge with Synchronous Technology, SolidWorks, or PTC?
  • How large a market is there for PLM and digital prototyping?
  • Can Autodesk continue to avoid PLM?
  • MCAD and PDM
  • Will MCAD benefit from interactive interface technology, such as multitouch and Microsoft Surface?
  • Is there room for MCAD on mobile devices?
  • Can MCAD operate in the cloud? If so, in which way?
  • What impact can Linux have on the MCAD market?

International and National Markets

  • How can be estimated common (average) technological level of design and manufacturing in USA/Canada?
  • Do leading manufacturing companies use and benefit from PLM solutions?
  • How can a typical North-American manufacturing company be characterized with respect to CAD/PLM?
  • What is the best way for Russian and western CAD vendors to compete with each other in the Russian market?
  • How should Russian software companies position themselves in the western market?
  • What are the chances for Russian MCAD systems, like KOMPAS and T-FLEX, to succeed internationally?
  • Is government support and/or protectionism strategically useful?
  • How can Russian CAD users be persuaded to go beyond buying "just the box" to spending more on highly qualified support and training?

MCAD Journalism

  • How is the MCAD media influenced by the transition from paper to blogging?

For further details about the Round Table and the visit of Ralph Grabowski please contact David Levin at

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