From Russia with CAD
Press-releases      7 Oct 2010

KOMPAS-3D V12 now released!

ASCON to announce the awaited new version of its professional 3D CAD software solution

5. October — ASCON Group, developer and integrator of professional CAD/AEC/PLM solutions, is glad to announce release of its new, improved and even more powerful and easy-learning version of professional 3D and 2D software solution for CAD — KOMPAS-3D V12.

This new release suggests novelties to increase efficiency, quality and speed of designing process, to make fast and simple familiarization with the software, to provide special tools not only for professional 3D solid modelling and 2D design, but also for advanced surface and shape modelling in a basic feature set. KOMPAS-3D V12 current and potential users still get all these powerful abilities at a very reasonable price.

The new version of KOMPAS-3D includes more than 50 updates and improvements. Among them are:

Advanced surface modeling:

  1. Ruled surface — used for constructing the surface formed movement of a straight line in space. The motion carried by two guides.
  2. The surface by the network of curves — used for constructing spline surfaces by intersecting curves.
  3. The surface by the network points.
  4. The surface by the layer of points — used for constructing NURBS-surface by space points. The system interprets the stratum points as a network of points and creates a surface by this network.
  5. Equidistant surface — used for constructing a surface that is equidistant to the specified surface or set of connected surfaces.
  6. Surface truncation — it is cutting off part of the surface or creation of cut outs in the shape.
  7. Extension of the surface — is intended to extend the surface for the above boundary at a given distance or to a selected vertex.
  8. Knit surfaces — knit surfaces into one for future use as a single object.

Support for hardware capabilities of imaging

Visualization in the graphic documents is now available both through GDI, and through OpenGL. Using OpenGL allows accelerate speed Visualization process, for example, changing the scale or moving the image. It allows to increase the speed of saturated drawings redrawing more than 10 times.

Reports of the model properties (BOM)

There was intended the possibility of receiving a report by the properties of the model — the table containing various properties and values of objects constituting the model (for the assembly — components and for details — bodies).

You can include in your report choosed objects properties by choosing them manually or automatically, indicating the level of the structure assembly. Various filters to select the objects are accessible in addition.

Download KOMPAS-3D V12 for 30 days FREE testing and experience all this and other novelties right now

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