From Russia with CAD
Press-releases      17 Feb 2010

Czech and Polish version of KOMPAS-3D V11 released

ASCON Group, developer and integrator of award-winning CAD/AEC/PLM solutions, is glad to announce an official launch Czech and Polish versions of its powerful, innovative and cost-effective solution for Mechanical Computer-Aided Design, KOMPAS-3D V11.

KOMPAS-3D Polish version

Since now all the current and potential users of KOMPAS-3D and KOMPAS-Graphic in Poland and Czech Republic are able to experience even more abilities and advantages of professional solution for 3D solid modelling, 2D drafting, design and release of drafting documentation, as well as wide range of novelties and add-ons (such as piping, animation, kinematic and dynamic analysis, steel structures 3D, piping 3D, sheet-metal functional, 3D model recognition system, extended import/export opportunities and many others). Trying to be closer to its customers all over the world ASCON offers KOMPAS solutions in 8 languages: English, German, French, Polish, Czech, Portuguese, Chinese and Russian.

ASCON already has very stable and constantly growing partnership in East Europe. Certified partners of KOMPAS solution in the regions offer engineers and designers professional set of services for installation, support, maintenance and training of KOMPAS-3D.

You are welcome to download full-functional trial version of KOMPAS-3D V11for 30 days at

To find KOMPAS reseller nearest to you and get an additional information, please, visit or contact us direct at


KOMPAS-3D, the award-winning Mechanical CAD solution from ASCON provides effective industrial product development, release of design and drafting documentation at affordable and reasonable price.

KOMPAS-3D combines all basic features for Professional, Parametric 3D Modelling, full-scale 2D Design and Drafting opportunities, special add-ons for photo rendering, motion simulation, kinematic and dynamic analysis, import/export from other CAD/AEC/PLM solutions.

KOMPAS solutions are famous for their powerful functionality in the mid-range CAD segment, easy-to-use and learn features and comfortable interface, reasonable price and strong compatibility functions. During over 20 years history of KOMPAS software solutions over 40 000 seats has been installed.

KOMPAS is cost-effective solution. It suggests professional functionality, large assembling, easy learning and fast technical support and most important save your corporate or private budgets. With KOMPAS you won't waste resources and pay only real cost! Download free version of KOMPAS-3D LT at

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15th of February, 2025


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