15 Jul 2019
ODA Releases Visualize SDK 2020New real-time cutting planesScottsdale, AZ: July 15th, 2019—Open Design Alliance (ODA), leading provider of CAD interoperability and component technology, announced today the release of Visualize SDK 2020. Visualize is a high-performance 3D visualization toolkit for engineering design application development.
“Visualize 2020 introduces real-time cutting planes, which are useful for inspection and analysis of complex models,” commented Neil Peterson, ODA President. “We also extended our API to include B-Rep data, allowing mesh generation to be done on the fly at the appropriate resolution level from the original B-Reps. This new technology provides higher quality visualization, with a smaller memory footprint, for client applications.”
Sergey Vishnevetsky, ODA Development Director, said, “Visualize 2020 includes support for two new formats: IFC and U3D. We’ve also had a strong focus on performance. Isolate and hide operations no longer require regeneration, making them much faster. Selection performance is improved. And we have a new low-memory option for visualizing large .dwg files—mobile viewers, for example, with limited memory are able to visualize larger .dwg files using this new feature.”
Visualize 2020 also includes new opacity and bump mapping support, a native viewer app for iOS, and fixes for member-reported issues. The SDK and release notes are available for download at www.opendesign.com.
About Open Design Alliance
Open Design Alliance is the “Equalizer” for CAD development. We are a non-profit technology consortium that provides high-value SDKs for engineering applications. Our product portfolio includes solutions for interoperability, visualization, publishing, and more, running on all common desktop, mobile and web platforms. Learn more at www.opendesign.com.
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