23 Aug 2010
ASCON Group and DP Technology Corp. announce a new development partnershipASCON Group, developer and integrator of award-winning Mechanical CAD solution — KOMPAS-3D, signed a partnership agreement with DP Technology Corp., the leading developer and supplier of CAM software — ESPRIT.
Since now all the users of both softwares will be able to benefit from complex, professional and cost-effective CAD/CAM solution set. KOMPAS-3D is a high-end, easy learning and powerful mechanical computer aided design system for 3D solid modelling and 2D design. ESPRIT is a high-performance, full-spectrum, computer-aided manufacturing system for a full range of machine tool applications. Together they offer designers and engineers all other the world even more abilities for their work and direct integration of both softwares. Users will get high-level technical support, training and consulting in any questions regarding implementation and collaboration of KOMPAS-3D and ESPRIT.
David Meynaud, market development of DP Technology Corp. in Europe: “We are glad our cooperation start with ASCON Group and are sure, that together we'll offer an unique complex CAD/CAM solution at a reasonable price. Already now users of ESPRIT are able direct to open KOMPAS-3D native(.m3d) fails and engineers of both companies continue to work at even closer integration of the software solutions”.
Have a look at a video with integration of KOMPAS-3D and ESPRIT: www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qjzRZm7dgc
For further information about ASCON and KOMPAS-3D please visit ascon.net
For further information about DP Technology and ESPRIT, please, visit www.dptechnology.com
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