From Russia with CAD
Press-releases      2 Apr 2013

ASCON’s C3D Kernel Licensed for CAD Furniture Design by Bazis-Center

Saint Petersburg, Russia: 29 March 2013 — ASCON today announced that its C3D kernel has been licensed by Bazis-Center, the developer of CAD systems for the furniture industry. In basing its software on C3D, Bazis-Center plans to implement in its CAD modules the latest 3D modeling technology, as demanded by the international furniture market.

BAZIS System is a software package that covers the entire range of design tasks needed by furniture manufacturers, from designing and engineering, through to production. New development of the software came from the increasing client demands for customized interior and furniture models. This created new challenges for Bazis-Center, and so it was necessary for them transition their software to a more powerful three-dimensional kernel.

“We conducted a thorough analysis of the geometric kernels on the market,” said Natalia Bakulina, CEO of Bazis-Center. “We used two criteria: we looked for the one with the best ability to handle the needs specific to the furniture design; and we looked for the kernel with the best functionality, performance, and cost ratio. After searching for six months, we concluded that our needs would best be fulfilled by the C3D geometric kernel from ASCON. We look forward to our BAZIS System strengthening its leading position in the furniture CAD segment through our collaboration with ASCON.”

About C3D

C3D is the geometric modeling kernel that has been developed since 1995 by ASCON. It is the basis of the software company's flagship product, KOMPAS-3D three-dimensional modeling system. After 17 years of development, the kernel’s capabilities have reached the level at which it can be put on the components market. C3D has been available for licensing since 2012 to third-party developers. The kernel licensing system consists of annual fees for licensing and technical support direct from the developer.

“Since we announced the licensing of C3D, we have been working actively with many CAD vendors here in Russia and elsewhere in the world,” says Oleg Zykov, product director of C3D at ASCON. “We are pleased that Bazis-Center, the leading developer of CAD software for the complex furniture industry, is one of the first to adopt ASCON’s kernel. Their selection of C3D proves that our components fully solve the tasks required by BAZIS System developers.”

Among potential users of C3D Kernel are developers of CAD/CAM/CAE systems and applied solutions that require processing of 3D models and 2D graphics. These include vendor companies and divisions of large industrial companies that develop software for internal needs.

About Bazis-Center

Bazis-Center is a Russian developer of CAD systems for designing furniture. BAZIS System software modules automate all steps in the design and production of cabinet-type furniture. It handles the modeling needs and processes orders; provides direct and parametric designs; performs material layouts, technical and financial calculations; outputs programs for NC machines; and handles production logistics. Fifteen years of experience in the field of furniture CAD helped create a system that is currently used by 3,000 companies worldwide. For more information, see

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