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15 Jul 2019

How the Open Design Alliance Is Becoming a Game Changer for the MCAD and BIM/AEC markets

Do you recall the header on the front page of the Open Design Alliance's web site? It reads, “The Equalizer for CAD Development. Premium SDKs for the professional CAD developer”.

ODA header

Some may consider these phrases to be just nice marketing slogans, but the product releases announced by the ODA during the month of July are probably doing much to dispel any skepticism. Read the headlines for yourself: The titles of all the press releases speak for themselves. The ODA is releasing software development kits for drawing visualization, for Web-based CAD, to access BIM data (through IFC and Revit files), and in architectural and mechanical specializations. We are, however, paying most of our attention to the economical 3D solid modeling hinted at in the first press release, "ODA Releases Drawings SDK 2020."

In reading the text of the press release, we learn the outlines of three longer-term .dwg technology initiatives on which the ODA is working:

  1. Common Data Access (CDA) as a platform-neutral framework for accessing model structure and property information in a common manner for all ODA-supported formats,
  2. The first phase of upcoming support for model documentation views for .dwg which will allow sophisticated detailing of 3D models using associative views, and
  3. Basic, economical 3D solid modeling requested by many ODA members who need a limited set of 3D modeling operations and don’t want to license an expensive third-party modelers.
In announcing this software development kit, the ODA is no longer limiting itself to its traditional offerings of reading and writing CAD-related file formats. It is decisively aiming to provide the full range of tools needed by CAD developers.

As an example, ODA Solid Modeler 2020 can create sweeps and extrusions along a path, and then save these to .dwg as ACIS®-compatible 3D solids. BTW, please do not confuse the new ODA Solid Modeler with the existing ODA Facet Modeler (also updated in July), as well as with existing integrations of the ODA platform with the ACIS and C3D geometric kernels.

We at LEDAS are proud to have the opportunity to apply our expertise in 3D geometric kernels and engines by contributing to the development of the new innovative products from the ODA.

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