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12 May 2011

Which PLM Are Used in Russian Automotive Industry?

Vladimir Malukh

In the recent months competition on the global market of PLM solutions for car industry has evidently escalated. The reason is that several leading manufactures changed their vendors. Fuel to the fire was added by a recent conference presentation at Siemens PLM Connections 2011, when Siemens PLM declared the final and decisive victory in the race for carmakers. Just a few days later AutomotiveIT - an authoritative German journal - published more complete and accurate data about the alignment of forces among PLM vendors for the leading global car manufacturers. Commenting this publication, Oleg Shilovitsky raised a question for isicad editorial board: which solutions are used in Russian car industry? Let’s try to figure it out.

Like any other sector of Russian industry, car-making did not escape the stage of spontaneous implementation and use of CAD: companies and design bureaus often had a tendency to use scrappy “zooey” of domestic and foreign solutions. However, at the turn of the century companies realised that it would be better to pursue a more systemic approach.

Naturally, we start with the leader – “AvtoVAZ” OJSC (of Tolyatti). The company opted for Dassault Systemes solutions. AvtoVAZ first began to use CATIA in 1991 to design car bodies. Today CATIA system is used to develop vehicle digital make-up, including car body, power-transmission plant, interior, electrical equipment and other car systems.

CATIA allows employing modern design technologies to create class A surfaces when Design Directorate of “AvtoVAZ” OJSC develops and fabricates make-ups of new car models. Today this preference obviously conforms to the policy pursued by Renault as the major AvtoVAZ partner. At the same time AvtoVAZ also uses Russian CAD, first of all, KOMPASS. This and other ASCON solutions are actively employed to design production tooling and equipment.

Experts of “Ruspromavto” Holding (comprising GAZ, UralAZ1 and Pavlovask Bus Plant (PAZ)) also opted for the solutions developed by the French corporation. So far, GAZ and UralAZ use only CAD-functionality and electronic design, and have not yet moved to a more comprehensive approach based on PLM - technologies.

In these terms PAZ is the most advanced. Despite a late start, from the very beginning the plant experts planned to establish if not a PLM, than at least a PDM-system based on CATIA and SmartTeam products, and the company has achieved a lot moving in this direction. PAZ is very close to putting 3D digital product models in the centre of all enterprise processes.

UAZ and KamAZ2 have chosen solutions of the main DS competitor - Siemens PLM Software. In 2004 Henry Melus, then the Head of the Russian Office (at the time - UGS) said: “At the end of May 2004 UAZ presented Patriot – a new SUV, which was designed and fabricated in 20 months – it’s a record achievement for Russia. At the moment the company continues working on development of an end-to-end design chain. UAZ has strong leadership that is firmly pursuing the desired goal. I think they’ll achieve good results.

We have only been working nine months With KAMAZ and it’s too early to talk about results. Truck manufacturing has its own specifics — a vast list of option equipment, which creates a great many equipment levels. Here a well-run PDM-system is unavoidable. We have reliable, tried-and-true solutions for such tasks so we are confident that with the right attitude of KAMAZ management to the problem, success is guaranteed”.

Since then over five years have passed and it is now possible to measure the outcomes. “NX deployment effectively coincided with commencement of developing UAZ Patriot”, says Ivan Laptev, the Head of CAD Bureau at UAZ. “Thanks to joint efforts of our specialists and experts of Siemens PLM Software we have been able to conduct high-quality engineering study of the new vehicle and technology process planning within the shortest possible period, and start line production of Patriot in 2005. It became obvious that NX system proves its worth, and successful design of the new vehicle in the shortest possible time confirms this”.

New technologies made a breakthrough: earlier UAZ spent on average four – five years to design a car, while it only took 18 months to achieve profound modernization of UAZ 3163 Patriot. NX system has considerably accelerated design and development of production tooling and control programs.

So far one can say that Dassault Systemes and Siemens and in stand-off on Russian market. Time will tell whether a newcomer – e-mobile – will change the balance. At the moment job offers for e-production require that developers and manufacturing engineers know CATIA.

Production volumes in 2010:

1. AvtoVAZ (Togliatti, Samara Region.) Lada - 545,450

... *)

10. UAZ (Ulyanovsk), UAZ; 26548

19. IzhAvto (Izhevsk) brand Iz, Lada, 6927

20. GAS (Nizhny Novgorod); GAZ, Volga Siber; 5065


1. OOO GAZ (Nizhny Novgorod); 39470

2. JSC KAMAZ (Naberezhnye Chelny); 23062


4. AO UAZ (Ulyanovsk), 10140

... 6. AB AZ Ural (Miass); 6557

1. GAZ 12057

2. UAZ, 7685

3. Ltd. PAZ (Pavlovsky); 7256

Total production with a complete cycle (including the design of the car)

1. AvtoVAZ: 545,450

2. GAS: 56,592

3. UAZ: 44,373

4. Kamaz: 23,062


6. PAZ: 7,256

7. Ural: 6,557

*) Unspecified positions are occupied by foreign car assembly plants.

1) GAZ – Gorky Automobile Plant, UralAZ - Ural Automotive Plant

2) UAZ- Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant, KamAZ - Kamsky Automobile Plant

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