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27 Apr 2020

CAD Exchanger 3.8.0: now more than 20 CAD file formats, including Siemens NX, PTC Creo, SOLIDWORKS

Nizhny Novgorod, Russia — April 07, 2020 — CAD Exchanger announces the release of CAD Exchanger 3.8.0 — easy-to-use 3D CAD viewer and converter.

CAD Exchanger 3.8.0 features:

  • 4 new file formats: PTC Creo, Siemens NX, 3MF and DXF
  • PMI support improvements
  • SOLIDWORKS: ability to display assemblies with missing external references
  • Web Toolkit for development of 3D web-applicaitons
New file formats: PTC Creo, Siemens NX, 3MF and DXF
PTC Creo and Siemens NX are used by tens of thousands of organizations worldwide, therefore import of its native files is especially valuable for CAD Exchanger audience.
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By introducing new formats, we help our end-users to expand their business by enabling collaboration with a broader range of partners, suppliers and customers as CAD Exchanger allows them to speak more and more “CAD languages”.’ — Roman Lygin, CEO and Founder, CAD Exchanger.

3MF and DXF formats, popular among 3D printing and AEC professionals, are also supported in CAD Exchanger 3.8.0. Thus, CAD Exchanger supports more than 20 key file formats. We continue to grow the list of supported formats to make CAD Exchanger the best solution in class.

JT: export of semantic PMI and PMI associations
CAD Exchanger 3.8.0 delivers the ability to export semantic PMI (Product and Manufacturing Information) and PMI associations (interconnections between PMI and B-Rep faces and edges). Thus 3.8.0 users will be able to import and export graphical and semantical PMI.
SOLIDWORKS: Viewing polygonal representations
SOLIDWORKS format was the first proprietary file format to be added to CAD Exchanger. It’s actively used by our users and we regularly receive feedback on it. Majority of the requests were tied with the ability to work with massive assemblies carrying external references.

To simplify the work with the assemblies SOLIDWORKS uses the external references mechanism that links external files, carrying precise geometrical representations (B-Reps). This is useful when you have to provide a fraction of a whole assembly for a particular manufacturer without disclosing the whole assembly.

By default, SOLIDWORKS assemblies (.sldasm files) carry polygonal (mesh) representations of external parts (.sldprt files). This allows to display the whole assembly even if there are no external files available. CAD Exchanger 3.8.0. now can identify and display those polygonal representations.

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CAD Exchanger SDK: Improvements for software developers
WebToolkit improvements
WebToolkit component for building interactive Javascript browser applications was extended with a huge variety of examples and sample codes to simplify its adoption and boost the development time. WebToolkit is leveraged in our own CAD Exchanger Cloud, which allows working with 3D CAD, using private or public clouds.

Viz. Component: Displaying graphical PMI
With the help of CAD Exchanger SDK, ISVs may now read, create, display PMI in their apps, and write PMI to STEP and JT, thus covering the full scope of PMI workflow.

Viz. Component: Exploded views
Exploded views are useful when you have to understand the contents of the assembly. For that, you may ‘slice’ the model, disable certain parts of the assembly or ‘explode’ the model. All of these tools are now available for SDK customers in CAD Exchanger 3.8.0.

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C# and Java API improvements
In 3.8.0 we significantly reworked C# and Java support by making much more robust wrappers over original C++-based implementation.

Java support has been expanded to Linux and Android, giving developers the ability to build cross-platform applications.

“We see how more and more users around the world choose CAD Exchanger, from startups to Fortune-100 companies. For the last two years Amazon, Apple, Hyundai, Liebherr, NASA, Tesla, Volvo, and other recognizable brands chose CAD Exchanger. We are proud to serve such recognizable brands and consider this as a confirmation of the high level of our technologies.”

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All CAD Exchanger products are available for a free evaluation. To get the evaluation and more details about the products please visit or contact us at

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