12 May 2016InterBridge is in Demand in a Large Engineering Company to Create Complicated Engineering Objects Around the World11 May 2016, Moscow, Russia: NEOLANT being a rightholder of InterBridge – a software to create and view a unified Plant Information Model of large-scale process facilities based on different CAD and PLM platforms, has implemented a project on the InterBridge adoption in ÀSE Group of Companies – one of the largest EPC, EPCm and PMC companies in the world.
Nowadays, ÀSE Group of Companies is one of few companies with a wide experience in the application of the
Plant Information Modeling technologies to design and construct facilities all over the world. The company is a developer and active user of its own Multi-D innovative project management system focusing on the construction of complicated engineering facilities and allowing the most effective management of such parameters as budget, due dates and quality.
JSC NIAEP, being a part of the ASE Group, is familiar with InterBridge through multiple projects implemented jointly with NEOLANT. However, the scope of the engineering company activities requires the creation and viewing the whole process facility comprising, as a rule, more than 500000 elements. Here, it is of high importance to provide a high capacity at any personal device: smartphone, laptop, PC, etc.
Fig.1. Application of InterBridge to create and view an overall data model of the Rostov NPP-3
It stands to reason that InterBridge has been selected to meet this requirement since it has the following key advantages proved in comparison with world-known brands:
Support of data conversion of the majority of popular CAD/PLM platforms
- High speed of opening/drawing of a 3D model of facilities (e.g., less than 10 seconds for a 131 016 element model).
- Minimum RAM is used to startup the software and upload a 3D model.
- Wide functional capabilities including the access to the attributive data, intellectual search, work with data structure, plotting dynamic sections, autodetection of collisions, work with point cloud, datasheet setup, creation of 4D models, etc.
At present, NIAEP uses InterBridge both as a standalone product ad as a part of its own data systems:
- Weekly-daily targets for the current management of the construction process.
- Major Construction Office – web-portal to monitor and manage the major construction process.
“The highly competitive market of world’s nuclear power engineering is the key point for our company and it makes us be innovative and apply the most effective technologies to implement projects timely, within the allocated budget and with no loss of quality. Otherwise, you simply won't be demanded, and, being a leader today, tomorrow you will be left behind a board of the strategically important international business.
Therefore the NIAEP Company pays special attention to information technologies as one of key elements of the production efficiency achievement. We develop a lot by ourselves but we also use as-ready top-class decisions. We are happy that the NEOLANT Company, our old strategic partner, provides us not only with services in the field of development and support of custom-made IT systems, but also organically supplements the scope of decisions applied. InterBridge essentially influences the speed and quality when designing and constructing facilities. For example, it takes only a few seconds to view a complex model of the Rostov NPP-3 that comprises about half a million elements without any software and PC deadlocking. For us these are record indicators which we were not able to reach earlier",
— comments Vyacheslav Alenkov, System Engineering & IT Director, ASE.
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