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7 Mar 2006

PLM market growing steadily; Daratech predicts disruptive technology might be around the bend

Each year, research firm Daratech brings together customers and suppliers in the mechanical CAD/CAE/PLM space at DaratechSUMMIT and presents its official state of the industry address. The good news at this year's event, held in late February, was that PLM (product lifecycle management),which was barely acknowledged as a market segment five years ago, appears healthy and is showing signs of steady growth.

According to Daratech figures, total estimated 2005 PLM sales were $10.49 billion, up 13% from 2004. And looking ahead, Daratech's estimated 2006 figures put PLM software sales and service at $11.95 billion, which represents a 14% increase over 2005.

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