23 May 2011 The Autodesk CIS Community Magazine: A New CAD-publication in Russian Anastasia Morozova From isicad editorial team (David Levin): For the time being, twitters and blogs cannot substitute the delight of literary and publishing activities, which can bring different authors under the umbrella of your publication and encourage their creative exhibitionism in the set format :). Such a delight is nice by itself, but if publishing is also your business and helps develop business, there is no recourse but to publish some magazine. What to say if competitors are already doing this… Off the top of my head I remember two similar magazines: “Stremlenie [Aspiration]” by ASCON and "Contact Mag" by Dassault Systemes. Today we can announce a new publication – the Autodesk Community Magazine (ACM). Ultimately it’s the readers who will be able to judge as to what extent the word “Community” breaks away from the traditional genre of “dividing walls” between the publisher, the authors and the readers. Publisher’s ideas are elaborated in the preface to the first ACM issue, written by Anastasia Morozova and kindly forwarded to isicad.ru. to be published immediately.
According to Anastasia, ACM is published in the electronic and print forms. An e-scroller and the pdf-version of the magazine are accessible at the web site of the Community. The first circulation is 5000. A print copy can be obtained from any Autodesk authorized partner - in any Russian region.
Do magazines like ÀÑÌ face competition from reputed “monsters” of the magazine market? We can try to discuss is right away or we can see how the situation is going to evolve …
From the Publisher: Anastasia Morozova, Marketing Director, Autodesk CIS
Today I have a very important and unusual role – for the first time I serve as a publisher and my job is to give you, dear readers, the Autodesk Community Magazine – a magazine that is born due to joint efforts of many people representing various corners of the CIS – I mean Autodesk Community advocates and experts, and certainly our respected authors.
But before I’m going to tell you about the new magazine, it’s worth explaining how our Community emerged and developed and what it appears to be today.
Approximately five years ago a group of proactive, forward-minded young architects and engineers, who wanted to change the world in general and design approaches in particular, started engaging in intensive communications through forums, learning from each other and exploring new tools and technologies. To a greater or lesser degree all of them used Autodesk products and not only they wished to discuss methods that could be helpful in resolving specific problems but also to be in direct contract with the developer, have a possibility to influence development of software products and be the first who could find out about Autodesk plans. It was precisely the idea, with which they approached Autodesk and then were given all support possible at that moment
Gathering new experts as well as opportunities for communication and exchanging ideas, the group formed Autodesk Community – an open, dynamically growing association of persons who have similar professional interests. Today our Community includes over 5000 officially registered members and tens of thousands “followers”. The core group of our Community comprises around 20 most active experts, who not only tend to continuously go forward themselves, but are prepared to widely share their knowledge with others and facilitate further advancement of Autodesk software products.
Regular Community work and communication between members focus around our site, which is being updated on a continuous basis, and our forum. With a single glance one can have an idea about all new CAD-blogs related to Autodesk products (already 24), new topics at CAD-forums, learn about new entries to the Projects Gallery, study lessons and papers at the Library, and, obviously, read informal Autodesk-news and get experts to answer any Autodesk-questions at the Autodesk original forum.
Also the Community, or to be more precise, its core group, uses the site to organize such projects as collecting the so-called Wish-lists and verifying translations of specific technical terms and concepts in product interfaces. Would you like to take part or at least stay abreast? Join us through the Community site!
This year, the first large-scale joint event of the Community that goes beyond out site is a series of working meetings of Community experts with users. These meetings take place in 13 cities throughout the CIS under the common title – “SAPRyazhenie” (CAD-connection).
(David Levin: I will try to explain wordplay of SAPRyazhenie. You know, SAPR in Russian means CAD (although traditionally used in a more general sense, so that when often people say SAPR they mean CAD+CAM+CAE+…). If you replace “A” in SAPRyazhenie to “O” to make it SOPRyazhenie, you get a word which means connection, linking, coupling, conjugation, interface, etc… At the time when you are reading this article, at least 5 meetings has been held, see twitter hash tag #AC13 of @Autodesk_CIS or @levin_david English hash tag #isicadru "News from Russia")
It is especially valuable that at “CAD-connections” instead of sellers, users are addressed by similar users – engineers, architects, chief design managers and CAD-managers, who do not simply talk about software capabilities but discuss their specific experience, success and problems, and what is the most important – the methods to resolve them. We hope that you’ll enjoy “CAD-connections” so we can hold such events every year. Details – dates and places – can be found on the front page of the Community site or in the “Calendar” column of this issue of our magazine.
The second project is the Autodesk Community Magazine – the magazine of the above mentioned Community, published in an electronic form and in print. The first issue of this magazine you are now holding or reading on-line. Our main goal is to select the most pressing and quality materials among tons of publications, organize them in the form, which would be most convenient to read, and put it across to various regions in the CIS. We will present novelties but we will also publish discussion papers and reviews to help our readers to be conversant in the CAD trends and innovative developments of Autodesk at the state of testing. Undoubtedly, much attention is paid to the materials illustrating real experience of employing Autodesk technologies in various industry sectors. A separate section is devoted to Education– from training company staff to university experience and special materials for Students.
Together with the usual team of editors and designers, representatives of the core group of the Autodesk Community, whom we respectfully call the “curators”, were also involved in creating this magazine (you can read more about this in a couple of pages). Our biggest “thank you” to all authors who wrote articles for the FIRST issue that is so significant to us. We dedicated new 2012 versions of Autodesk software products to the launch of our magazine and we hope that you would not limit yourselves to the offered articles bur rather you’d prefer to deepen your knowledge by taking part in one of our seminars or webinars that focus on new capabilities. Registration is open on the Autodesk-CIS site.
Along with a review of 2012 product versions, we publish papers that have been in the centre of numerous internet-discussions: Vladimir Malyukh “CAD Revolution is Inevitable and Already Started”, Vladimir Talapov “Green BIM Becomes Part of our Life””, “BIM and the New Building of Mariinsky Theater in St Petersburg”, Alexei Nikulin “A Bridge to the Future – Autodesk Inventor”, and many others. I encourage all readers to put forward their proposals regarding the structure, content and other parameters of our magazine. We will be happy to publish specific papers written by you if they fit the magazine format (which you can also help us to refine). All comments can be placed on Autodesk forum, “Russian Community” section, or sent to ACM@autodeskcommunity.org. Articles can be sent to the same address or simply published in the “Library” section on the Community site.
In 2011 we plan to publish two issues of the Autodesk Community Magazine. You can always find up-to-date information on the Community site, Autodesk site or social networks. More info as to where and how we are represented can be found in the magazine.
Well ... The magazine awaits you. All creators of the Autodesk Community Magazine and its authors hope that you’ll enjoy reading the first issue. The Internet-version of the magazine can be found here.
See also:
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