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4 Jan 2008

PLM in Russia – end of 2007...

Vladimir Malukh

Vladimir Malukh

Vladimir Malukh Traditionally fall brings numerous events and news. November-December 2007 was not an exception for the Rusian CAD/PLM industry.

Let’s start with the news. First of all, now the site has new regular columns: “Video collection” and “CAD contests”. The video library has stories about interesting historical events in the industry, interviews with leading specialists and experts, as well as demonstrations and commercials of companies and their products. The collection is constantly expanding, so please contact us if you have a video clip you wish to share with colleagues.

Robert (Buzz) Cross The theme of the month in November was the concept of digital prototyping sufficiency, announced by Autodesk – one of the global CAD leaders – as the main trend in the company’s strategic development. The expert’s reaction was rather controversial, and although the idea has not been rejected in principle, a number of renowned experts believe that digital prototyping is rather an integral part of a more complex and efficient system, which Autodesk is consistently building. More information can be found in the site publications.

An observation that Autodesk is gradually and systematically moving to a complex solution is supported by company’s announcements of its intention to acquire Robîbat - a French developer of design and calculation software for the structural engineering industry.

Autodesk University 2007 In general, November was quite eventful for the market leader. Undoubtedly, the annual Autodesk University forum in Las Vegas (November, 27-30), attended by more than 10.000 participants, was the most important. The review framework does not allow detailed presentation of an event of such significance; therefore, we prepared some special materials for Russian readers.

Äíè ðàçðàáîò÷èêà Autodesk As for other Autodesk news, we should mention the annual Russian contests among students “Test your capability” and professionals “Implement and win!” ; release of a fully localized Russian version of AutoCAD 2008; as well as Carol Barttz, the Chairperson of the Autodesk Board of Directors, joining the Intel Board of Directors. It is quite within reason to suggest that combining these positions by Mrs Barttz will bring new ideas to the business of both companies. Read details of the above and other Autodesk news in the company’s block on

The very same day DS ENOVIA SmarTeam reported reaching a milestone - 5000th buyer , while ten days later, at the annual Russian PLM-forum, it announced release of the Russian version of SmarTeam, localized by LEDAS of Novosibirsk

At the beginning of November LEDAS officially announced publication of the first “PLM+ERP Encyclopedia”. The book will be published at the end of May 2008 to time with the opening of isicad-2008 international forum (

Finally, another “Big Four” company - Siemens PLM software (former Unigraphics) released new versions of its key products – technical document management system TeamCenter Express 3 and software components D-Cubed, widely used in many popular CAD products.

Hainrich Melus On 5th November, Siemens PLM Software organized a presentation of the new version of its technical document management system TeamCenter-2007 in the beautiful “Yaroslavl” conference room of an up-market Moscow “Golden Ring” hotel. The venue attracted more than one hundred participants – IT-professionals, designers and engineers from companies all over Russia, both users of TeamCentr-based solutions and potential customers, trying to identify whether the product would meet their requirements.

The welcoming address was given by the Head of the Russian Representative Office of Siemens PLM Software, Henry Melus. Then Stephano Mongio, European Director of Software Development discussed new opportunities and prospects of system development. Representatives of the Russian Office, Sergey Martynov and Daniil Torop, gave an overall review and demonstrated performance capabilities of TeamCenter-2007.

Not only big corporations were active on the market. SpaceClaim, a novice that entered the market at the beginning of 2007 with the same-name product, is organizing a large-scale event , inviting everybody to take part in a competition for resolving the tasks of data exchange between various CAD by using the company’s solutions. It is interesting that along with the most successful ideas the commission will be evaluating failures, which means developers hope to carefully examine user’s needs. isicad editors follow the development of this young company, our interest is stimulated by solid reputation of the company’s founders. You can find more information about SpaceClaim events and news in a special block on

We have already reported that the largest players in the ERP-sector are showing considerable interest to PLM. For instance, on 12th November Oracle announced its strategic plans regarding PLM.

The main Oracle competitor – SAP, a European provider of ERP-solutions, which in August revealed its plans for entering the PLM-market, reported that Hitachi has chosen SAP to ensure success of the company’s global information technology strategy.

Following the news from the ERP-market, let’s move to the news from Russia. SAP, “Tekhnosila” and GMCS reported completing the project on building a system to manage retail chain resources, and achieving first positive results. Today the system developed by “Tekhnosila” covers the main business processes in the chain related to purchases and sales, physical distribution, and financial and management accounting. The core of the system is SAP for Retail (based on SAP ERP 6.0).

GMCS also informed about global transition of its industrial applications to the new version of Microsoft Dynamics. Currently GMCS industrial solutions include 11 business applications that meet specific needs of clients in various industries.

One of the leading providers of PLM solutions and services – “Corporate Electronic Systems” (CALS-Center) consulted “Tvelem”Ltd. (Tver) on PLM-technologies. The main outcome of the project -requirement specification for an automated product data management system (ÀPDMS).

Samara branch of ASCON successfully completed large-scale projects on implementing LOODSMAN:PLM system in Samara Optical Cable Company and Samara Design & Exploration Institute “Zheldorproekt Povolzhya” — a branch of Roszheldorproekt OJSC.

There were several news items from the media. The START-IT magazine rounded out its traditional Top 50 Technologies Awards, marking industry solutions, which help companies to improve their business. The winning products were selected under the criteria of uniqueness and functionality for their market niche and include CAD systems, which are quite familiar to the Russian market such as AutoDesk Inventor LT, SolidWorks Intelligent Feature Technology, Siemens PLM TeamCenter, as well as completely new products, such as 3DLive developed by Dassault Systemes .

Russian business software developer and distributor 1Ñ bought a big property complex for its software warehouse . Its overall area is 11 000 sq.m., of which 9000 sq.m. were allocated for the first stage of a modern logistics center; 1000 sq.m. for administrative offices and the remaining 1000 sq.m. for a traditional warehouse, explained the President of 1Ñ, Mr Nuraliev. According to him, the warehouse will become operational by the end of February 2008.
Mr Nuraliev promises that the new cutting-edge logistics center will have no direct analogies among Russian software distributors. 1Ñ is one of the largest Russian software distributors. According to September estimates (source: Prime-TASS), in 2007 the company’s turnover would reach $360 mln. Mr Nuraliev’s expectations were that in 2007 1Ñ sales revenue would exceed the level of 2006 by 85% while prices would remain relatively stable.

Last issue of CAD/CAM/CAE Observer is also quite interesting, see its preview published on
We particularly would like to draw your attentions to continued discussion of a “new view” of the CAS+D classification suggested by Cyon Research, as well as a related interview with Robert (Buzz) Kross, the Senior Vice-President of Autodesk, where he gives a detailed explanation of philosophy, positioning and strategy of Autodesk product development. Companies will find practical interest in the continuation of the article “How Much Is Document Management Today?” which offers thorough analysis of PLM implementation and use.

SaM146 flying tests On December 6, 2007 the SaM146 engine, developed and produced by PowerJet, a joint-venture between Snecma (SAFRAN group) and NPO Saturn, started its flight test campaign on LII Gromov's Il-76LL flying laboratory. The SaM146 is the only integrated powerplant designed specifically for regional jets of the new generation. It features the most up-to-date design based on the experience of the two mother companies Snecma and NPO Saturn, and the close partnership that they have built to bring this programme to success.

ASCON, the leading Russian vendor of professional CAD/CAM/PLM solutions has released the new version of its award-winning product for Mechanical CAD – KOMPAS-3D V9.

KOMPAS solutions provide classic framework for 3D Solid Parametric Modelling , 2D Drafting, Design and Release of Documentations. Wide range of add-ons and libraries arrange additional features, such as photo rendering, animation, kinematic and dynamic analysis, extended CAD/CAM/PLM integration and others. KOMPAS-3D V9 became the next version of mid-range MCAD solution from ASCON, totally available in English. The awaited release of KOMPAS-3D V9 now includes lots of updates and novelties based on international customers feed back and wishes.

KOMPAS-3D V9 new version gained a great respect at EuroMold 2007 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. ASCON was presented at own booth in Hall 6.0 Stand B50 and also as co-exhibitors at collective stand of CAD.DE, one of the most popular German CAD community. Both stands had a high attendance, KOMPAS solutions were demonstrated for industrial enterprises specialists, IT experts, design and construction chiefs and journalists from all over the world. All the rich feature set of the classical 3D Solid Parametric Modeler, as well as extended line of add-ons and specialized applications to KOMPAS-3D V9 were presented at at demo PCs. Special attention of visitors was attracted by the latest novelty — 3D Monitor with volumetric KOMPAS CAD models demonstrated. The 3D Monitor was gratefully provided by ASCON partner — 3D Spatial View company

T-Flex 11 Virtually by the end of the year, just before X-Mas 21th of December TopSystems launched T-FLEX CAD 11 - the latest version of its robust parametric 3D and 2D design software, is shipping to customers worldwide. T-FLEX CAD 11 delivers a new, modern, intuitive, time-saving user interface as well as impressive productivity enhancements, fast 3D graphics, and advanced modeling features.

So far, I congratulate all of colleagues with successful 2007 and wish even better achievements in 2008!

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