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7 May 2010

COFES-Russia Seminar and isicad-2010 Forum, Moscow, September 21

COFES-Russia seminar organized by Cyon Research and LEDAS will be held on September, 21 in Moscow at Borodino Business-Hotel. The seminar is organized in the framework of the 4th International isicad Forum, a bi-annual event owned by LEDAS.


General Partners:

Other Partners:

I. Objectives

COFES Russia Seminar brings

  • Senior executives from the software community who create, develop, and support the tools necessary for design and engineering
  • Together with their peers from firms in manufacturing, construction, and design
  • To discuss innovation in the face of the current economic situation (both globally and within Russia and the CIS)
  • , and
    • key problems common within and among BIM/CAD/DP/and PLM
    • market situation and formulate forecasts for the next 5-6 years, and
    • business opportunities advantageous both for customers and providers
    Who will attend
    • Top managers and experts from leading providers in the field of BIM/CAD/DP/PLM
    • Top managers from Russian manufacturing, construction and industrial organizations
    • Analysts, media, and representatives from academia and government

Participation in COFES Russia Seminar is by invitation only. If you would like to be considered for an invitation to the event, please fill the form at

Presentations and recordings from the event will be made available to the attendees shortly after the event. For more information, or to request an invitation, contact David Levin of Ledas or Cory Martin of Cyon Research

II. Agenda (tentative)

08:30Registration, welcome coffee
09:30Opening of isicad-2010 (David Levin, President & CEO, LEDAS)
09:45Cyon Research Report: A vision of global market dynamics for design and engineering software, including results and implications of recent surveys of the global engineering software community (Brad Holtz, President & CEO,Cyon Research)
10:35Presentations from the Forum Partners
11:05The Awards of isicad Community
11:10Coffee break
11:30Presentation from NVIDIA: "New opportunities for developers and users of CAD systems - professional graphics and heterogeneous computing using GPU"
12:00Presentations from the Forum Partners
12:30Opening of COFES-Ðîññèÿ
Introduction and overview of COFES 2010 and the COFES Israel Forum (Brad Holtz, President & CEO, Cyon Research)
14:00Working Groups (WG)
1. News & trends in PLM/PDM2. Intelligent methods of 3D modeling in CAD7. Perspectives of Building Information Modeling and its impact on AEC market
15:00 Coffee break
15:15Working Groups (WG)Forum Partner's seminar
3. Marketing and Advertizing in the Era of Global Social Networks4. CAD-training for future engineersJoint seminar of Appius and 1C: "Industrial application of PLM-tools on the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform"
16:15Coffee break
16:30Working Groups (WG)Forum Partner's seminar
5. New business-models for engineering software6. New hardware technologies for engineering softwareJoint seminar of Appius and 1C (continuation)
17:30Coffee break
18:00Round Table of WG Moderators and Vendors

III. Working groups

In line with traditions of COFES the Organizing Committee in coordination with Brad Holtz has specified six WGs. There will be two rounds (in total – 3 hours) each round includes three WGs that will be working in parallel during 1.5 hours. After these rounds are over, there will be a joint integrating round table + press-conference.

The following 6 working groups are planned.

1. News & trends in PLM/PDM

PLM is getting traction as a industry direction and becomes accepted as a business strategy by many customers. Nevertheless, there are lots of debates about what PLM is actually need to become - strategy, application, vision, platform etc. The discussion in this working group will be around what we see as the top challenges and opportunities for PLM in the coming decade:

- Challenges: Simplicity, Alternative Business Models, Openness, Beyond Engineering, noPLM
- Opportunities: Competition, Social Applications, Regulation and Sustainability, Cost

Discussion topics:

  • Top PLM challenges in the next decade
  • Digital Prototyping vs. Full-Scale PLM?
  • What will be the next CAD data management paradigms?
  • How social application can influence PLM?
  • Open-source PLM/PDM
  • Integrated PLM-ERP-MES Systems
  • Cloudy PLM
  • PLM, sustainability and green

Some links:

2. Intelligent Methods of Three-Dimensional Modeling in CAD

Creating and editing engineering data

History-based modeling has been the dominant CAD technology for many years; it is still widely used. Last years history-free (or direct) modeling becomes more robust and useful, and now CAD users can choose between two very viable and very different technologies. This workgroup will be a place for discussion how this choice impacts the intellectual property and product development process of customers.

Discussion topics:

  • Parametric modeling of surfaces and solids
  • Comparative analysis of history-based parametric modeling with direct geometry editing: advantages and drawbacks of each approach
  • What direct editing tools are offered in mainstream MCAD
  • How to keep design intent in history-free environment
  • Comparison of geometric modeling kernels
  • What file format will be used for CAD data exchange in 2050?
Some links:

3. Marketing and Advertizing in the Era of Global Social Networks

The question is what will be influence of the Internet and social networks on marketing.
Key issues:

1. Push vs. Pull - how to be found? this becomes the most important question marketing people are asking. The focus need to be to provide focused content that can be accessible via internet, search, social networks, and blogosphere

2. Social affiliation (reference by somebody you know...). When you feel trust, it is easy to you to take a decision. The recommendation or social affiliation will become a strong marketing force in the next couple of years.

3. Attention management. You need work hard to get attention of people these days. So, the new ways to get attention need to be developed. Video, Rich content, Web casting on demand etc. This is only short list how to get it...

4. Blogging vs. official marketing campaigns. People like content that written by non-marketing people. This content get more trust in people's eyes...

Some other topics for discussion:

  • New ways of engineering software marketing
  • Rich 3D Media vs. paper media
  • Social Networks and Communities
  • Inbound Marketing, Community Building,...

4. CAD-training for future engineers

  • Early CAD education in school
  • Software Users or Engineers?
  • More discoverable software
  • On-line e-books and training
  • The role of 3D Media in the education process
  • The role of new hardware devices in the education: Google Set Top, iPad, ...

5. New business-models for engineering software

The key question in this discussion should be around "Risk" and "Trust". Customers are looking how to decrease risk in their software projects. PLM is a very risky one these days. Also "value proposition" is very un-trustfull. Customers don't see how current PLM vendors can provide a value using current business models.

The key questions:
1. How to decrease upfront cost?
2. How to provide PLM tools to wider customer audience for reasonable price?

Some of the topics:

  • Cloud computing and SaaS
  • FOSS(Free and Open Source Software) in CAD/CAM/CAE/PLM...

6. New hardware technologies for engineering software

  • GPU usage in CAD/CAM/CAE
  • 3D pointing devices and multi-touch
  • 3D printing
  • Augmented reality

7. Perspectives of Building Information Modeling and its impact on AEC market

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a process of generation and management of building/construction data during its lifecycle. BIM consists in using AEC CAD tools for creation of the common information model of a building/construction that is shared for collaborative development among several teams of architects and engineers. The building information model consists the description of geometry, spatial relations, geographic data, material properties, etc. Participants of this workgroup will discuss new tools and technologies for creation and management BIM data.


  • Parametric building modeling
  • 4D technology
  • Green design
  • Computer-aided engineering for AEC
  • Collaborative development
  • AEC design data standards
  • Employment of new technologies in the Russian AEC market
  • PLM and BIM: twins?

Everybody is kindly invited to give comments and propose more hot topics.
Please write directly to me.
Thank you,

David Levin, LEDAS Founder and CEO, Chairman of isicad-2010,

Related references:
Brief COFES-Russia English info
Russian isicad-2010 web site
Cyon Research announces COFES Russia Seminar in partnership with LEDAS
COFES-Russia Seminar and Multi-vendor Forum isicad-2010 in Moscow
Previous isicad Forums: 2004, 2006, and 2008.

See also:

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