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4 May 2010

COFES-Russia and isicad-2010: Six Working Groups

David Levin

COFES-Russia seminar organized by Cyon Research and LEDAS will be held in Moscow on September, 21. The seminar is organized in the framework of the 4th International isicad Forum, a bi-annual event owned by LEDAS. See some related references below.

A week ago the event’s program was refined and now included – in line with traditions of COFES – a number of working groups (WG). The Organizing Committee in coordination with Brad Holtz has specified six WGs. There will be two rounds (in total – 3 hours) each round includes three WGs that will be working in parallel during 1.5 hours. After these rounds are over, there will be a joint integrating round table + press-conference.

The following 6 working groups are planned.

1. Direct Modeling as a Basis of Future Intelligent CAD

Creating and editing engineering data
  • Comparative analysis of history-based parametric modeling with direct geometry editing: advantages and drawbacks of each approach
  • Presentation of direct editing tools in popular CAD packages
  • How to keep design intent in history-free environment
  • What will be the CAD exchange format in 50 years

2. News & trends in PLM/PDM

Engineering data management
  • Key tasks of PLM in the next decade
  • Digital Prototyping vs. Full-Scale PLM?
  • Open-source PLM/PDM
  • Integrated PLM-ERP-MES Systems
  • Cloudy PLM

3. Marketing and Advertizing in the Era of Global Social Networks

  • New ways of engineering software marketing
  • Rich 3D Media vs. paper media
  • Social Networks and Communities
  • Inbound Marketing, Community Building,...

4. CAD-training for future engineers

  • Early CAD education in school
  • Software Users or Engineers?
  • More discoverable software
  • On-line e-books and training
  • The role of 3D Media in the education process
  • The role of new hardware devices in the education: Google Set Top, iPad, ...

5. New business-models for engineering software

  • Cloud computing and SaaS
  • FOSS(Free and Open Source Software)CAD/CAM/CAE/PLM...

6. New hardware technologies for engineering software

  • GPU usage in CAD/CAM/CAE
  • 3D pointing devices and multi-touch
  • 3D printing
  • Augmented reality

Everybody is kindly invited to give comments and propose more hot topics.
Please write directly to me.
Thank you,

David Levin, LEDAS Founder and CEO, Chairman of isicad-2010,

Related references:
Brief COFES-Russia English info
Russian isicad-2010 web site
Cyon Research announces COFES Russia Seminar in partnership with LEDAS
COFES-Russia Seminar and Multi-vendor Forum isicad-2010 in Moscow
HP and PTC support COFES-Russia Seminar in September 2010
Join Deelip Menezes to attend COFES-Russia and isicad-2010 in Moscow
Previous isicad Forums: 2004, 2006, and 2008.

See also:

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CAM offshore Russia
27th of July, 2024


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