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18 Feb 2009

Isicad.Net Questionnaire Reports Results and Trends of PLM World Leaders in Russian Market

Novosibirsk, Russia, February, 18, 2009 – Isicad.Net, the first ever web-portal about the Russian Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) market in English, today published an interview with top managers of PLM providers in Russia as well as with several international market experts. The interview is freely available at

Isicad.Net asked the heads of PLM vendor companies and representative offices — leaders of the Russian market: Andrey Bykov (ADEM Technologies), Maxim Bogdanov (ASCON), Alexander Tasev (Autodesk CIS), Laurent Valroff (Dassault Systemes Russia), Arseny Tarasov (PTC Russia), Heinrich Melus (Siemens PLM Software Russia), and Sergey Kuraksin (Top Systems) two questions:

  1. What were the main achievements of your office in Russia in 2008?
  2. What were, in your opinion, the most significant events on the global PLM market in 2008?

The second question was also put to the world-recognized experts in the CAD/PLM domain: Ken Amann (CIMdata), Francis Bernard (ESI Group), Oleg Shilovitsky (Daily PLM Think Tank blog), Evan Yares (Evan on Engineering Software blog), and Vladimir Malukh (LEDAS, Isicad.Net).

The answers showed confidence in the successful future of both Russian and worldwide PLM markets. Despite economical recession, all vendors demonstrated technological innovations in their product lines as well as significant sales growth in 2008.

"In 2008 our Russian team achieved a 100% sales growth rate over 2007, which was the highest growth rate among all PTC divisions for the fiscal year,” said Arseny Tarasov, Head of PTC Russia. "In 2008 Dassault Systemes Russia’s business expanded considerably; in 2007-2008 annual sales revenue from new licenses went up over 50%," emphasized Laurent Valroff, Director of Dassault Systemes Russia. "Comparing with 2004, when Autodesk Russia office was opened, in 2008 our business increased tenfold,” stated Alexander Tasev, Head of Autodesk Russia & CIS. According to Maxim Bogdanov, General Director of ASCON Group, "the company achieved the milestone of concluding a contract for over 1 million dollars — the largest corporative contract in the ASCON history”.

Technological innovations were named as the main results of 2008 by several PLM top managers. "In 2008 our main achievements were introduction of synchronous technology and successful launch and initial supplies of three new versions of our product lines – NX6 with synchronous technology, Velocity Series (in particular, Solid Edge with synchronous technology) and Teamcenter Unified Platform (December 2007),” said Heinrich Melus, General Director of Siemens PLM Software Russia. "Perhaps the main achievement is the release of the 11th version of the T-FLEX CAD/CAM/CAE/CAPP/PDM software package,” pointed out Sergey Kuraksin, General Director of Top Systems CJSC. "In the users’ assessment, this version surpasses not only its Russian analogs but can compete with the foreign ones.”

Russian-made PLM software was successfully sold worldwide in 2008. "One of the most interesting achievements for the ADEM group in 2008 was the implementation of the Russian system ADEM-VX by Siemens and Apple," said Andrey Bykov, Chairman of the Board of Directors, ADEM group of companies.

Answering the question about the most significant event in the PLM market, many experts emphasized technological developments. “The most important development in 2008 was the increased availability of feature inference modeling — a combination of direct modeling with feature recognition,” said Evan Yares, the ex-head of Open Design Alliance and the author of the blog “Evan on Engineering Software”. Oleg Shilovitsky, Daily PLM Think Tank blog, observed: "In the last year, we’ve heard a strong voice from companies reporting about product innovation and usage of PLM systems in this process. Innovation is considered as one the most important part of product development.” Vladimir Malukh, Director of PLM Sales and Services, LEDAS Ltd., pointed out a significant PLM event in Russia – development of Sukhoi SuperJet: “It is probably one of the most large-scale Russian PLM projects, which, by the way, was highly praised by foreign specialists — the British Adam Smith Institute and the Intelligence Enterprise magazine called PLM-environment developed by “Sukhoi Civil Aircrafts” the best innovative IT-project 2007.”

Several experts noted positive financial results of 2008 and predicted continuous growth in 2009. Based on CIMdata estimates, in 2008 Mainstream PLM experienced 6% growth from $15.040 billion in 2007 to $15.960 billion in 2008. “This performance reflects recognition of the importance of PLM as a competitive differentiator for industrial companies”, explained Mr. Ken Amann, CIMdata Director of Research. “The PLM market will most probably continue to grow in 2009, but more slowly, with one digit growth instead of 2 digits,” reiterated Francis Bernard, ESI Group (the founder and ex-head of Dassault Systemes).

About Isicad.Net

Isicad.Net goals are:

  • organizing events to support development of the Russian PLM market,
  • presenting the leading providers of PLM-solutions,
  • introducing industrial enterprises – users of PLM-solutions,
  • bringing together developers, suppliers and users of industrial solutions.

The web portal facilitates development and distribution of advanced PLM and contiguous technologies, promotes research to form future PLM-solutions. Isicad.Net informs on the most noticeable events in PLM-related areas, covers important PLM-related news, and publishes conference proceedings.

Isicad.Net web portal was created and is organized and supported by LEDAS and Sib3 companies. For more details visit


LEDAS Ltd. is an independent software development company founded in 1999; it is based in Novosibirsk Scientific Centre (Akademgorodok), Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science. A leader in constraint-based technologies, LEDAS is a well-known provider of computational software components for PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) solutions: geometric constraint solvers for CAD/CAM/CAE, optimization engines for Project Management, Work Scheduling and Meeting Planning as well as interval technologies for Knowledge-Based Engineering and Collaborative Design. The company also provides services for PLM market: software development, consulting, reselling as well as education and training.

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