The isicad Questionnaire
Russian market leaders and foreign experts comment on the achievements and development trends on the CAD/PLM market
1. Main achievements of your office in Russia in 2008?
2. What are, in your opinion, the most significant events on the global PLM/CAD
market in 2008?
isicad asked the heads of vendor companies and representative offices — leaders of the Russian market — to briefly address these questions: Andrey Bykov (ADEM), Maxim Bogdanov (ASCON), Alexander Tasev (Autodesk CIS), Laurent Valroff (DS Russia), Arseny Tarasov (PTC Russia), Heinrich Melus (Siemens PLM Software Russia), and Sergey Kuraksin (Top Systems).
We thank our colleagues for their comments published below. Important addition to them are the remarks kindly provided by renowned experts: Ken Amann (CIMdata), Francis Bernard (ESI Group), Oleg Shilovitsky (Daily PLM Think Tank), Evan Yares (Evan on Engineering Software), and Vladimir Malukh (LEDAS, isicad), as well as collective opinion of the visitors of our site, summarized in the results of the voting for the most significant PLM-event 2008.
Andrey Bykov
Chairman of the Board of Directors, ADEM group of companies
- 1. One of the most interesting achievements for the ADEM group in 2008 was the implementation of the Russian system ADEM-VX by Siemens and Apple.
- 2. PLM/CAD/CAM market experienced sharply increased activity of foreign, especially American manufacturers of these products in Russia. It was particularly evident in the second half of 2008, when many practically unknown or less familiar brands on the Russian domestic market started developing distribution channels for their software in Russia.
Maxim Bogdanov
General Director, ASCON group of companies
- ASCON singed several corporative contracts with the largest industrial concerns in Russia and CIS
- The company achieved the milestone of concluding a contract for over 1 million dollars — the largest corporative contract in the ASCON history
- CAD@online project — ASCON products are available via Internet
- The company completed several investment projects for developing totally new software solutions, which will be introduced to the market in 2009
- Developing ASCON regional network: opened offices in Rostov-on-Don, Astrakhan,Tyumen and Khabarovsk
- ASCON equipped all Russian secondary schools with the 3D modeling system KOMPAS-3D as part of the high-priority State National Project on Education
- ASCON assisted the Government of the Russian Federation in working out a number of system solutions, aimed at supporting Russian developers, in particular, securing conditions for reasonable protectionism of Russian software products
- World economic crisis
- Recession on the major CAD markets (car manufacturing, machine building, construction)
Alexander Tasev
Autodesk Russia and CIS
- 1. Traditionally, financial performance is the most significant indicator. It demonstrates success of the chosen strategy, team efficiency and, most importantly, whether Autodesk solutions are meeting customer demands. Autodesk has something to be proud of. Comparing with 2004, when Autodesk Russia office was opened, in 2008 our business increased tenfold.
Last year Autodesk concluded several strategic long-term contracts with the largest companies in Russia and CIS, among which are United Industrial Corporation (OPK), Bazel, TRANSMASHHOLDING, «Irkut» Scientific and Production Corporation, MIL Moscow Helicopter Plant, Roscosmos and dozens of others. The team of Autodesk office in CIS has doubled. Professional standards of our authorized partners have improved. We performed a record number of test-drives — 550. Around 5000 specialists obtained information and initial skills for working with Autodesk industry solutions.
Amid such successful achievements, I would like to emphasize the most important ones, what we recall in the first place when thinking of the events in the year 2008... Thanks to the regional 3D Forums, within a short period the Autodesk staff and I communicated with a large number of engineers, architects and designers. Our venues were attended by over 1600 specialists; all of them acquired, absorbed and, one can even say, demanded with great interest more and more information on modern design technologies and innovations that can make them more productive and efficient. It was a very important sign for us. Once again we are delighted to see how the popularity of Autodesk solutions validates our efforts on promoting new technologies are not in vain. Enterprises are now meeting design objectives at a different level, and this is just the beginning. Russia has enormous potential. The number of innovations, the flow of innovations is not subsiding. For example, this year 520 projects were submitted to the traditional contest of Russian innovations, organized by the Expert magazine with the support of Autodesk.
All this charges us with terrific positive emotions and energy, which will help us pursue our activities in 2009 and do everything we can to ensure that Russian engineers and architects can work at the world-class level.
In this turbulent world Autodesk remains a reliable partner for its users that provides time-proved solutions, tested by millions of users, as well as innovations, which enable dramatic shoot forward.
- 2. As a general tendency I would like to emphasize rapid build-up of functionalities by all market participants. Products increasingly converge in terms of their capabilities and under the circumstances every vendor attempts to stand out of the pack by making loud statements on some super new capabilities and technologies. Such statements immediately engender vigorous arguments and numerous declarations from other vendors that the gimmick is no novelty at all.
Users, however, became more and more experienced and shrewd with every year. They observe these marketing «wars» as outsiders, awaiting when vendors finally have enough of their games and start paying attention to the users daily needs and their business. !
In the time of economic crisis competition will become more robust in all markets and industries. The winners will be the ones who offer clients the best solution for achieving their important goals in the shortest time possible with minimum costs and maximum reliability.
Laurent Valroff
Director, Dassault Systemes Russia
- 1. In 2008 DS Russias business expanded considerably; in 2007-2008 annual sales revenue from new licenses went up over 50%. We increased our staff to meet the demand of the expanding Russian market. In particular, in 2008 we started looking for the experts who can implement and adapt PLM-solutions in such industries as aircraft engineering and car building, as well as power generation. DS Russia initiated integration of Russian specialists in DS Professional Services. PLM 2.0 on the V6 platform was presented to the Russian clients and DS partners in Russia and CIS on 8th October 2008; the venue took place in Holiday Inn Suchevskaya.
Success stories of the large Russian clients such as «Arsenal» Machine-Building Plant«OJSC, «Tyazjmash» OJSC, and «Cryogenmach» OJSC circulated on the global market.
We continue localizing DS software products to meet the demand on the Russian market. For instance, in 2008 we localized ENOVIA SmarTeam V5R19 solutions and the user interface for one of the products of DELMIA V5/E5 solution.
A new version of 3DVIA Composer was released in 2008; its a universal tool aimed at developing interactive technical documentation for designed products. Success of 3DVIA Composer in Russia is preconditioned by the fact that this solution is fully based on 3D technologies and suits companies of any size. In 2008 we announced the possibility of integrating 3DVIA Composer with ENOVIA SmarTeam. Such integration will enable enterprises to create a local library and use it for developing technical documentation.
- Dassault Systemes released V6, a next generation platform and solution that support PLM 2.0.
- DS developed a special solution for managing lifecycle of engineering analysis data, obtained through calculations completed in SIMULIA products. This solution is named Simulation Lifecycle Management.
- DS released ENOVIA SmarTeam Engineering Express aimed at mid and top-level management for organizing document flow for engineering companies.
- IBM announced its support for new V6 DS solutions in the PLM field.
- DS bought Engineous Software, which strengthens the leadership of the SIMULIA brand, a provider of simulation lifecycle management solutions on V6 shared platform.
Arseny Tarasov
Head of PTC Russia
- 1. In 2008 our Russian team achieved a 100% sales growth rate over 2007, which was the highest growth rate among all PTC divisions for the fiscal year. This figure reflects painstaking work of the best specialists in the field. For instance, in 2008 we won all tenders in which we participated, which is objective proof of not only the high quality of ÐÒÑ products, but also the professionalism of our team. Our clients trust us, and, in our turn, we provide the best support directly to the clients, as well as to our authorized partners in their work on supplying and implementing PTC solutions. As a result, our turnover growth is record high.
- 2. The most important event in the PLM world was the largest tender organized by EADS (the European Defence and Space Company) as part of the PHENIX program. Characteristically, it was won by PTC in July 2008. Windchill solution developed by ÐÒÑ will enable EADS to create a unified system, which will serve as the base PLM platform for product development. The winner was selected on an extended list of criteria, and our victory shows that ÐÒÑ solutions are best fitted to meet the demand of modern business. Two other tenders were important for the market in Russia and CIS; the first was organized by the GAZ group of companies, the second — by IG UPEK (Ukrainian Industrial and Energy Company). These two events gave a good shake to our market, and the winner of both tenders was ÐÒÑ.
Heinrich Melus

General Director, Siemens PLM Software Russia
- 1. In 2008 our main achievements were introduction of synchronous technology and successful launch and initial supplies of three new versions of our product lines -NX6 with synchronous technology, Velocity Series (in particular, Solid Edge with synchronous technology) and Teamcenter Unified Platform (December 2007). We expanded and strengthened our presence in the Russian regions by opening three regional offices in the Russian Federation in St Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and Belgorod. We also reinforced our positions in aircraft engineering, engine-building, car manufacturing and machine building.
- 2. Announcing synchronous technology, which opens new prospects and changes approaches to product design.
Sergey Kuraksin
General Director, Top Systems CJSC
- 1. Perhaps the main achievement is the release of the 11th version of the T-FLEX CAD/CAM/CAE/CAPP/PDM software package. In the users assessment, this version surpasses not only its Russian analogs but can compete with the foreign ones. Due to their new, extended functionalities, software products under T-FLEX brand enable not only efficient organization of developing and executing design-engineering documentation, but also increase efficiency of the enterprise in general.
We are pleased that the quality of our products was acknowledged at the «The Product of the Year» contest, organized as part of the SofTool-2008 exhibition (1st place in the CAD category). The products of the CAD T-FLEX package went in for the contest for the second consecutive year, and again they got the highest opinion of the Expert Council.
Another important event for Top Systems was organization of a conference for the companies directors — «Computer-Aided Process Planning — Today and Tomorrow: From PDM To PLM». At the conference participants discussed the most pressing issues and problems of process planning automation at Russian industrial enterprises. Top Systems will endeavor to make this venue annual and even more useful and productive in terms of exchanging real experience of enterprise automation, implementing software and integrating CAD systems with ERP systems.
- 2. Efforts of our foreign colleagues on the Russian CAD market once again confirm importance of Russian CAD developments, and competitive ability of the products of T-FLEX integrated package in terms of their price and functionalities. We are pleased that synchronous technology, which is already partly implemented in T-FLEX software system, is announced as the basis of the new versions of software products developed by the global leaders. It proves once more that our T-FLEX package is developing abreast with the recent industry trends.
Francis Bernard
ESI Group
- The DS business in 2008 has been very good in Russia and great for China where DS had the biggest growth compared to all the other countries.
In fact, as you know, this year (2009) is going to be difficult because of the worldwide financial crisis which is impacting the industry. The aero industry, and even more the auto industry are in a dramatic slow down.
Obviously, this is going to impact the PLM market negatively. But I am sure that nobody can estimate accurately the impact. Hopefully, PLM is a source of innovation and productivity for the industry, therefore it is not the first or the most important cost reduction which is decided by the industry. We have seen that in the past, a big slow down in the industry generate a smaller slow down in our business.
In summary, the PLM market will most probably continue to grow in 2009, but more slowly, with one digit growth instead of 2 digits.
Evan Yares
Evan on Engineering Software
- The most important development in 2008 was the increased availability of feature inference modeling — a combination of direct modeling with feature recognition. While Siemens Synchronous Technology was the most high-profile example (and possibly the most intriging implementation, as It lets users reparameterize their models), Spaceclaim, Kubotek, PTC/CoCreate, and others also have intersting products.
Consider that PTC, long known for its parametric CAD system, now says that direct modeling can be three times faster than parametric modeling. And, Autodesk, which dismissed the importance of Synchronous Technology, is now implementing feature inference modeling in Inventor.
For companies that use CAD, the important benefit of feature inference modeling is that it makes CAD usable by more people. In the past, possibly only 10% to 20% of engineers and designers were proficient with parametric modeling. With feature inference modeling, that number is likely to be much higher. Easily double.
Oleg Shilovitsky
Daily PLM Think Tank
Even though, 2008 was year of financial crisis and instability, I still regard it as a remarkable year for the world of CAD and PLM. I will point out my view on the main technological, product and business achievements of the past year:
Importance of PLM technologies for the development of innovation product and processes. In the last year, weve heard a strong voice from companies reporting about product innovation and usage of PLM systems in this process. Innovation is considered as one the most important part of product development process, allowing to companies to invent new products and services. «In todays challenging global market, enterprises must innovate to increase their market size, to bring significant value to their shareholders, customers, and employees, and in many cases to survive» ,said Peter Bilello ,a senior consultant with CIMdata, an Ann Arbor, MI-based PLM consulting and research firm.
Recognition of PLM value together with fast growing PLM industry sectors. The value of PLM products has been reflected in significant business growth of main PLM vendors as well as segments of the PLM market. Last year, I think, showed an increased awareness on top-executive levels about how PLM products can enhance product development process, increase profit, lower cost and improve quality of products. Analytic company, IDC, predicted beyond average market growth for the SMB segment of the PLM market. «Small and Medium-Sized Business Enterprise Applications Market to Grow to $80.3 Billion by 2012, IDC Finds». Industry focus and PLM success for new industry segments like apparel and high-tech presented awareness and adoption.
Consolidation of PLM vendors. At the time of poor financial market performance, big vendors in the PLM space continued the process of consolidation and acquisition in order to improve their offerings. Multiple, relatively small acquisitions made by various companies has shown that vendors conducted market research and followed their plan of portfolio growth.
Remarkable technological achievements. Together with business achievements and market growth, Id like to highlight a few remarkable technological trends and deliveries that companies made in 2008.
- Delivery of PLM 2.0 t presented a new concept for the future of PLM. In the same way Web 2.0 and social networks changed perception and presented a completely new concept for how people interact with viand through the internet (moving from static web pages to user-generated content and collaboration), PLM 2.0 is going to change the role of PLM technologies regarding how people l develop products in the future.
CAD User Experience — this topic drew a significant interest by many manufacturers seeking to improve user adoption of 3D technologies. Direct modeling technologies released by existing PLM providers and product development by new companies definitely has shown a high interest of users and industry to popularize 3D technology and make it available for a wider user audience.
Cloud computing. Even if this technology does not belong to PLM, Id like to emphasize the significant importance of cloud computing and announcements made by large vendors in this area. Establishment of cloud services together with quality data centers will change the future of IT and the ability of companies to collaborate. Multiple technological demonstrations made by companies in this area has shown that vendors are learning this space, taking into account the user feedback in order to act upon this feedback the future.
Ken Amann
From isicad: In response to our question, Mr. Amann has kindly sent us a recent CIMdata press-release on the market performance in 2008. Its content precisely fits the issue under discussion.
...CIMdata has traditionally released its full PLM market analysis, which includes an analysis of both the Mainstream and Comprehensive PLM market around the end of March each year. However, this past year has seen the emergence of an unusually volatile economic situation that has impacted industries and markets around the world. In this environment, CIMdata has decided to release this preliminary perspective on estimated 2008 Mainstream PLM market performance to provide an earlier insight into market dynamics that are affecting both companies investing in PLM as well as PLM solution suppliers. Additional details of this analysis will be released over the coming weeks, with CIMdata’s more extensive PLM market analysis to be provided around the end of March as usual. Note that CIMdata’s estimates are based on a combination of primary and secondary data collection, long-time relationships with market participants, and market modeling based on many years of market knowledge and experience.
Based on CIMdata estimates, in 2008 Mainstream PLM experienced 6% growth from $15.040 billion in 2007 to reach $15.960 billion in 2008. “This performance reflects recognition of the importance of PLM as a competitive differentiator for industrial companies.” explained Mr. Ken Amann, CIMdata Director of Research. “In spite of the impact of the global economic downturn, companies are continuing to invest in PLM programs and technologies. However, the current economic environment is causing companies to review, and in some cases refocus their PLM investments to better meet their immediate business goals.” Mr. Amann continued, “In the first half of 2008, almost all PLM suppliers had solid growth. During the third quarter of 2008, sales and revenues began to flatten, and in the final quarter many companies had a decrease in quarter over quarter sales and revenues. While PLM continues to be an important investment, CIMdata expects that sales and revenues in 2009 will be dampened from the growth rates experienced over recent years.”
Full text of press-release: Preliminary Statistics from CIMdata Show a 6% “Mainstream PLM” Market Growth for 2008
Vladimir Malukh

LEDAS, isicad
- Unquestionably, announcements of technological initiatives by Dassault Systemes and Siemens PLM Software made top-news: PLM 2.0 and synchronous technology of geometry modelling, followed by literally immediate releases of the product lines on their basis. Without emphasizing obvious details, I would like to simply point out general satisfaction that acquiring Unigraphics by Siemens did not affect development of technological innovations, despite initial concerns about the German management.
Another interesting event, perhaps not so striking but nevertheless emblematic, in my opinion, is public convergence of positions of Dassault Systemes and SolidWorks. For the first time the Presidents of two companies addressed together the annual forum SolidWorks World 2008. I anticipate, and very much hope, that we will see not only organizational approximation but also technical convergence and fusion of technologies.
Moving to the events on the Russian market, first and foremost are unprecedented marketing efforts by Autodesk, comprising a range of measures: from an advertising «offensive» in the press and a powerful countrywide tour of 3D Forum to noticeably increased legislative and power pressure upon detected pirates and illegal users. There is every reason to believe that these measures have already taken effect.
One of the consequences (and an interesting phenomenon per se) is appearing on the Russian market numerous AutoCAD clones, based mostly on the IntelliCAD technology. Their suppliers offer less expensive method of «legalization». It is unlikely, however, that they can be used as technically adequate substitutions of the original Autodesk products and, all the more, of the modern 3D systems offered by other vendors.
Another event inseparably connected to development and implementation of PLM-technologies in Russia was the opening of flight-testing of Sukhoi SuperJet. It is probably one of the most large-scale Russian PLM projects, which, by the way, was highly praised by foreign specialists — the British Adam Smith Institute and the Intelligence Enterprise magazine called PLM-environment developed by «Sukhoi Civil Aircrafts» the best innovative IT-project 2007.
Responding to the first question, I would also like to point out two events related to LEDAS and, which I represent:
- Organizing our regular forum isicad-2008 last summer and publishing «PLM-Encyclopedia»
- LEDAS started exploring a new avenue: supplementing traditional components for developers, our new products LEDAS Driving Dimensions are intended for end-users, providing access to parametric technologies in the systems, which previously did not have such capabilities.