From Russia with CAD
Press-releases      14 May 2007

LEDAS enters CAM/CNC market in partnership with Tecnos G.A. Srl.

LEDAS Ltd. (, an independent software provider of computational components for PLM and ERP, has released licenses LGS 2D/3D to an Italian CNC manufacturer Tecnos G.A. Srl.

Tecnos has just released and is presenting the beta version of its Masterwork CAM application from 14 to 18 May at the LIGNA+ exhibition ( at Deutsche Messe in Hannover, Germany. Masterwork ((illustrated by the screen-shot below)) integrates the LGS geometric constraints solver into a completely new project which is developed using OpenCASCADE as the basic geometry kernel. “The fact that you have already developed a sort of integrator is an advantage for us” – says Marco Dell'Eugenio, Tecnos project leading developer. Masterwork provides combination of 2D and 3D CAM functionality as well as multi-axis CNC code generation.

LGS 2D/3D provides an affordable solution for strong variational and constraint-based functionality. Through the scalable architecture of LGS, variational and parametric techniques become available in a wide range of the geometry modeling products in particular in CAM, where there’s strong need to maintain offset curves, tangency and perpendicularity of tool axis and detail surface, work with inverse kinematics and solve many other non-trivial geometry problems.

Screen-shot of Tecnos Masterwork CAM application

About the LGS family solvers

LGS 2D/3D is a set of C++ class libraries that runs under Windows 2000 and XP (versions for Linux, FreeBSD, and AIX platforms are available uponr request). It can be integrated (via its API written in C) into a broad range of software applications. A sample test application for LGS called Lege’n’d is also available as part of the Evaluation version of LGS 2D/3D. They were created with the Open CASCADE open-source framework. The Lege’n’d 2D and 3D applications can be used to test the entire functionality of the LGS 3D without the need to integrate the solver into other software packages. A set of representative examples for Lege’n’d 2D/3D is also supplied.

LEDAS Geometric Solvers 2D/3D support creation and modification of the geometric models by means of (explicit or implicit) constraints. Typical geometric objects are points, lines, circles, planes, cylinders, spheres, arbitrary curves, surfaces and swept surfaces. Objects can be fixed in an absolute coordinate system or relative to each other (the latter feature is provided by the so-called rigid sets of objects). Set of geometric constraints includes logical constraints between geometric entities (like coincidence, parallelism, tangency, etc.) and dimensional constraints (that specify the required values for given distances, angles or radii). LGS moves and rotates objects to the positions where all constraints are satisfied by performing minimal transformations of initial configuration. It also renders standard CAD functions - ‘move under constraints’ and diagnostics of over- and under-defined parts of a model.

About Tecnos G.A.

Tecnos is an Italian company located in Rimini. With over 30 years' experience in the electronic sector, Tecnos G.A. became a name in the history of machine automation by contributing innovative ideas to many industries, and designing the first microprocessor applications as far back as in the early '80s.

Apart from the woodworking industry, today Tecnos G.A. operates in many other sectors, continuing to design products based on the needs of both manufacturers and users: sheet metal working, marble and ceramic material working, textile machines, flat glass cutting, and special machines - in both the world of iron and other sectors (cross tables, lock assembly lines, etc.). Company web site is


LEDAS Ltd. is an independent software company founded in 1999; it is based in Novosibirsk Scientific Centre (Akademgorodok), Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science. A leader in constraint-based technologies, LEDAS is a well-known provider of PLM components: geometric constraint solvers for CAD/CAM/CAE, optimization engines for Project Management, Work Scheduling and Meeting Planning as well as interval technologies for Knowledge-Based Engineering and Collaborative Design. The company also provides services for PLM and ERP markets: software development, consulting, reselling as well as education and training. Detailed information about LEDAS is available on the Internet at:

LGS is a trademark of LEDAS Ltd. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. FreeBSD is a registered trademark of Wind River Systems, Inc. AIX is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. Open CASCADE is a registered trademark of Open CASCADE S.A. LIGNA+ is a trademark of Deutsche Messe.

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