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3 Jun 2016

NEOLANT Releases SOMOX for Real-time Monitoring and Construction Project Management

June 2, 2016 -- Moscow, Russia: The NEOLANT Group of companies today released its newest software package, SOMOX for monitoring and managing construction projects. The versatile program helps automate the planning and management process, as well as monitor construction progress and work with network schedules for effective 4D-6D planning of industrial and civil facilities of any complexity.

Somox Neolant

Fig. 1. 4D Visualization of Construction Process

Today, purpose-developed software like Oracle Primavera and Microsoft Project are typically used to manage projects. Using such software allows users to describe sequences, dependencies, and scopes of activities. Until now, however, these programs did not track the progress of construction and installation, or ensure there are not spatial collisions.

Based on experience accumulated through the use of information modeling In the field of civil and industrial construction, NEOLANT developed SOMOX to be a solution that meets the specific needs of the construction market. The primary feature of this new software is its use of 4D-6D models. This feature integrates 3D models (imported without loss of quality from any external CAD system via InterBridge) with calendars and network schedules imported from project management systems, such as Oracle Primavera.

SOMOX logo

The SOMOX system implements the following processes:
  • Optimizes 4th level diagram based on 3D models.
  • Generates daily and weekly assignments on the base of an activities schedule with 3D visualization of the scope of works.
  • Input actual data on CIWs accomplished.
These capabilities make it possible to transfer 4D-6D models from the desktop to the construction site and back. It synchronizes activities added to the schedule with actual activities on the construction site.

“Collisions frequently emerge in construction sites when, for example, equipment is already on-site but utilities, such as ventilation, have not yet been installed,” said Dmitry Dorobin, Head of Integrated and CAD Technologies at NEOLANT GC. “Our SOMOX software facilitates analysis and optimization of the consequences of activities, and so helps you determine time and spatial collisions, as well as testing alternatives before the activities begin. All these significantly reduce time and financial expenditures for projects.”

SOMOX coordinates and optimizes the activities of all professionals interacting at building sites by providing a common source of information:

  • General Contractors and Subcontractors access effective work planning and timely changes management.
  • Chief Designers access optimized design concepts of the construction sequence.
  • Developers and Technical Clients receive on-line access to the project information, work status, and allocation distribution.
  • Customers receive current information about the construction process.
The software was developed using methodology provided by NIAEP–ASE United Company engineering company, a strategic partner of NEOLANT.
Customer Success Story
NIAEP-ASE United Company is one of the largest Russian engineering companies, having constructed all Russian nuclear power units and some 30% of all power units in the world. The company widely uses all available technology for information modeling the design and construction of facilities. It successfully implemented SOMOX advanced plant management software with the assistance of expertise from NEOLANT.

The technology’s efficiency proved itself during the construction of more than 10 nuclear power plan units by reducing the total project cost by 10%. In an interview with Vyacheslav V. Alenkov, Director of System Engineering & IT at JSC NIAEP - JSC ASE, he describes the positive effects of digital modeling on the business of his engineering company.

For More Information
To learn more about SOMOX:
  • Register for our webinar and get answers to all your questions about the SOMOX system. Receive live consulting with a NEOLANT expert on implementing SOMOX by calling +7 (499) 999 0000 or emailing

NEOLANT Group offers engineering and IT solutions for managing complex nuclear and power generation plants. Our solutions are based on the extensive IT expertise and industry-specific knowledge acquired by the experienced NEOLANT team.

NEOLANT has software for information modeling, PLM, GIS, CAD/PDM, and PM. The experts at NEOLANT know how to integrate these systems into one other and into information systems used by customers.

NEOLANT provides the following services:

  • Developing industrial facility information and simulation models to support the facilities’ lifecycles.
  • Developing and implementing systems to manage engineering and plant operations data through integration with CAD, PLM, BIM, GIS, PDM, and PM.
  • Researching and developing engineering design aimed at implementing plant-scale processes, systems, equipment, and capital construction projects.

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