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30 Sep 2015

InterBridge of NEOLANT Group: Video Tutorials

The NEOLANT group of companies offers you the opportunity to learn about the capabilities of our InterBridge software at your own place through our extensive library of video tutorials.

Consult our experts at NEOLANT, who can help you on any issues that arise from operating InterBridge. You can learn more about InterBridge or purchase a license through our Web site:

  • Install InterBridge on your computer to learn first-hand its capabilities:
    • Download the free demo version
    • Register for one of our Webinars
  • Consult us about InterBridge purchasing options, taking into account the specifics of your firm’s needs:
    • Meet with one of our NEOLANT experts by calling us at +7 (499) 999 0000 extension 117, or by filling out an application online
    • Request our price-list

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