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9 Dec 2006

Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company signs contract to sell 30 Superjet aircraft to AiRUnion

The Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company signed a contract with AiRUnion at the SAKS 2006 Siberian air show in Krasnoyarsk on Saturday to sell 30 Super Jet-100 planes. The sum of the deal is more than 400 million dollars.

According to the agreement, AiRUnion will buy fifteen 95-seat planes, and also an option for 15 planes more is envisaged. Delivery of the first Super Jet is planned for November 2009, Sukhoi President Viktor Subbotin said.

AiRUnion President Alexander Abramovich said the aircraft excellently fit the route network of the alliance.

The union of five airlines -- Krasair, Domodedovo Airlines, Samara, Omskavia and Sibaviatrans was formed in late 2004. Remaining independent, the companies have united their resources and cooperate on the mutually beneficial basis. Since June 2005, they have been working under the brand AiRUnion.

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